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Creeping along a dirty wall, I silently cursed under my breath as my wings brushed against them. I'd just cleaned those.

My most recent hunt was a vampire nest, a pretty nasty one too, I'm surprised it hasn't drawn more hunters.

It was noon so they'd all be snoozing right about now. Perfect time for me to break in and kill them all. My grace has been itching to get out of the confines of my skin and this place was perfect for that activity.

We were out in the middle of nowhere, nothing for miles. Heh, it's probably why the vamps thought they'd be safe.

Unfortunately for them, it'll be their downfall.

Taking a deep breath as I stepped through the cracked door, I began to mentally unravel the bonds that held my grace within the confines of my body.

It burst out curiously, feeling every creature in its rawness, their souls, or in some cases, lack of one. Then it lashed out in a burst of white blue light, just like the night my mother died, scorching ever creature in the rundown barn.

When I felt that there was nothing alive anymore, I gently reeled it back in, coiling it through my corded muscles and making me feel my power once again humming just beneath my skin. It was tired from the exercise but content for now.

Sometimes I felt like my grace had a mind of its own, and it was sort of like a hyperactive puppy, one that could smite entire buildings, but a puppy none the less, and other times I knew it was just as much apart of me as my soul.

For angels, their grace was their soul, that's why they were normally described as beings of light because they were so bright. Nephilim however have both a human soul and a grace, making us more powerful than the angel that sired us.

The motor of an approaching vehicle made my ears perk and my grace eager to explore. Having advanced senses had its uses sometimes.

I gently soothed my grace, calming it down before it could flick out to anyone, alerting whoever it was to my whereabouts, if it were to be an angel or demon.

Stepping into the shadows, I tightly curled my wings around my body, helping to hide my light skin from view, but allowing me enough of a vantage point to see exactly what would walk through that door.

The heavy barn doors creaked as they were shoved further open. Whatever this thing was it was bigger than me, I'd been able to slip through without even touching the door.

Two humanoid things entered carrying what looked to be machetes, taking a quiet intake of breath, I discovered them both to be human. Tilting my head curiosly, I watched as the two poked around at the dead bodies, the vampire's eyes burned out of their sculls, except those closest to me, they were completely obliterated.

"Looks like a bomb went off" the taller one guessed.

"What kinda bomb?" The shorter one wondered. "What could do that but keep this crap hole standing?" He gestured to the walls around him.

"Well their eyes are burned out, so angel?" The taller one walked around taking a closer look.

Half angel I corrected him.

"Yeah but besides Cas, what angel hunts?" The short one asked. "I mean aren't they all on lockdown right now?"

"I don't know Dean" the tall one shrugged. Ah, so the short one was called Dean, I noted and continued to follow their conversation. Heaven was on lockdown? Was my dad up there?

No, he doesn't care.

"Something doesn't feel right Sammy" Dean scratched his head, looking around. "I mean look at the way they were attacked, they didn't put up a fight at all"

Quietly trying to shift turned into me accidentally stepping on a squeaky floorboard. I couldn't even fly away because I didn't know how, no one ever taught me.

"Who's there?!" Dean demanded into the darkness, not quite able to see me. He withdrew his weapon, his brother mirroring his actions. "Come out or I'll shoot" he warned.

Biting my lip, I slowly drew my wings backward, folding them tightly against my back, and stepping further into the light, holding my hands up in the air in surrender.

"Who are you?" 'Sammy' questioned, his voice calmer than that of his brother. I subconsciously took a step toward him, away from the glaring man. "Dean, she's just scared, look at her" Sammy dropped his gun on the ground, showing me he meant no harm.

Perfect cover, scared kid, that'd garner sympathy.

Dean hesitantly withdrew his gun, tucking it in the back of his jeans, next to his machete that was tucked into a sheath.

"What's your name?" Sammy drew my attention back him.

I bit my lip, and the men took my hesitation as my fear of them, they both took a step back and it allowed me to think. "Andy" I replied quietly, playing the shy card. The name was close enough to my own it would do just fine, but it was what my mother called me.

"Got a last name?" Dean quirked an eyebrow at me.

"Can't remember" I shrugged "parents were killed when I was young and I've been passed around foster homes a lot. I've only ever been told my first and middle name"

It was a half truth, my dad didn't have a last name and my mom homeschooled me my whole life so I didn't really ever need my last name. It was in my brain somewhere.

"What happened to your foster family?" Sammy shot a look at Dean.

I looked down at this, faking sadness. "They.." I let my voice crack as I 'hesitantly' looked around, playing the sad act play.

"I'm sorry" Sammy comforted.

Glancing around the room, I made eye contact with the taller hunter. "Who are you guys?"

"Well" Sammy started "My name is Sam Winchester, and that's my brother Dean" he introduced officially. Huh. I corrected Sammy to Sam in my head.

Wait Winchester?

I stepped back immediately, my act dropping "you guys are Winchesters?" Shaking out my wings, They fluttered into a more relaxed position.

The two men looked me confused. "How do you know about us?" Dean demanded, his hand going to his machete.

"Dean" Sam put his hand on his brother's shoulder "she's still a kid"

"A kid that knows about us" Dean defended.

I slowly started to move backwards, to find some sort of exit before things got worse.

"Uh uh" Dean broke away, his full attention back on me now. "You're coming with us"

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