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My wings flapped as I was finally let out of the black car. Dean has done all his tests, but all they could figure out was I was quick at healing.

It seemed like Sam had to remind Dean I was 'just a kid' every five minutes, which I tried to not take offense to. I was seventeen after all.

"Cas, get down here" Dean demanded, gesturing for me to sit in a chair at the big table with a large map of the world on it.

If these were really the Winchesters, then 'Cas' was Castiel the angel, a breed I really didn't want to deal with or meet.

Nerves started to kick in, and my knees started bouncing up and down, a little slow at first but progressively getting faster the more I thought about the current situation I was in.

"Dean" a gravelly voice suddenly appeared behind me "Sam" he addressed him, I turned to look at the newcomer.

He wore a tan trench coat over a blue suit and his matching tie was twisted backward. His wings were a midnight blue, similar to the color at the base of my wings. Castiel tilted his head studying me through narrowed eyes.

"You are an abomination" he suddenly commented.

I stood up angrily "I'm not! That's just what angels think I am" Sam quickly stepped between the two of us, hoping to stop any escalation.

"Why is she an abomination Cas?" Dean asked, his arms folded across his chest.

"An angel has procreated with a human" he gestured to me. "The byproduct is called a Nephilim, there have only been five in total, including her. The rest were hunted to extinction, I don't know how she's gotten this far undetected"

Rolling my eyes, I stood, ready to leave. "Right! Well this has been fun, but I've got a life to get back to and angels to ignore" my wings twitched and I carefully eyed the hunters.

"You aren't going anywhere" Castiel stepped forward, two fingers outstretched, I quickly dodged, running to the other side of the room.

Castiel's large wings twitched in annoyance, the only outward sign. He was a seraphim, I realized, his rank signified by small dull horns on the top edges of his wings.

They grew with you as you rose in rank, one horn on either side meant that you were a Virtue, the lowest rank, two meant Dominion, Three was for Thrones, four made you a Cherubim, and five horns meant you were a Seraphim.

Archangels and Nephilims were the only acceptation to this rule, neither reached the ranking scale.

"She must die" Castiel's angel blade fell from his sleeve, and he took a threatening step forward.

Both Winchesters were now standing between us, separating me from the angel. "Hey! we don't just murder people! you said she was half human?" Dean injected, looking at his friend.

"She is" Castiel nodded, his stance relaxing, although his wings were raised and his angel blade was held right in his hand. "The other half is angel"

"Well she hasn't done anything yet, so we don't have a reason to kill her" Sam reasoned. "She was born this way, she can't help it"

Letting my grace recede further under my skin, it twisted itself around my soul, curling in my stomach. My wings brushed my calves as I made a move to walk further back, maybe going to find somewhere to hide.

I needed to figure out a way to leave without getting myself killed by the world's most famous hunters.

"Since the mystery is solved" I began, drawing the attention of the three men to me. "Can I go home now?"

"We've never come across your kind before, there isn't any lore on Nephilim either." Sam put his hands out like he was calming a scared animal. "We don't know if you're dangerous or not"

"She is very dangerous" Castiel injected "nephilims are typically more powerful than the angel that begat them"

Sam opened his mouth as off to ask a question, but I spoke before him "I've got people who depend on me, so I need to leave" I began trying to make my way to the stairs, however an angel stood in my way.

"If you are to live, you are staying here, where I, as Sam would say, can keep an eye on you." Castiel held up his hand.

Rolling my eyes, I popped down on one of the old chairs, my wings hanging over the back of it. "Fine"

I knew who Castiel was, the rumors among the supernatural were relatively accurate. He matched the description my mom gave me, that and his name.

The ambitious 'young' angel who wanted to rise to the rank of Seraphim. It seems he got his wish.

He was also the protector of the Winchesters who were his charge, never mind the life he created and then tried to take away, never mind the woman he claimed to love was now six feet under.

Oh I knew who the great Castiel was, he was a dead beat dad.

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