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Draco POV

I watched as Fred pushed his brother off of the tower and immediately the spell was lifted. Regret ran through my veins as I heard George hit the ground. My heart started racing, the ache in my head was pulsating.

Mattheo had gone too far, once again.

Fred's knees gave in causing him to collapse to the ground as he let out loud deafening cries for the sake of his twin. Everything came crashing all at once. Mattheo killing Seamus, torturing the twins and killing another one.

And I helped. I hated myself right now for what I have become but I knew if I didn't participate then he would've killed me. I had no choice.

Everything fell silent with the only sounds around us was coming from Fred mourning for his brother. He didn't deserve that, he deserved to be hurt for what he did to Y/N but not like this. George didn't deserve any of this.

Suddenly, footsteps were heard outside of the door and the door burst open. Pansy stormed in and stared at us evilly. She stared at us all individually. I could feel her gaze on me but I couldn't bring myself to look at her. She stomped her way over to Mattheo who was now next to Fred overlooking the railings.

Pansy grew curious to what they were looking at as she bent over the rails to see, she immediately threw herself back and cupped her mouth holding back any noise trying to escape.

"What the fuck happened Mattheo?" She snapped at him as she stood forward staring down at Fred who had his face in his hands still crying. Mattheo looked up at her and looked out across the Great Lake and let out a small laugh at her.

"Now why do you assume that I had something to do with this?" He chuckled as he stared back at her making her look back over at Blaise and I. I immediately looked away from her as she made her way towards me.

"You can't obviously fucking look me in the eyes Malfoy! What the fuck happened?" She questioned me as I furrowed my brows at her and looked over to Mattheo who was shaking his head at me not to say anything.

"What does it look like happened Pansy?", I heard Blaise ask her as she snapped her head towards him and back to Mattheo.

"You fucking did this didn't you?" She said angrily to Mattheo as she walked over to Fred who was silently sobbing now, just allowing the tears to stream down his blotchy face. She grabbed his arm and tried to help him up but he stayed put on the ground.

"Why are you trying to help him Pansy? He deserves this for what he did to Y/N!" Mattheo spat at her as he threw the rest of his cigarette away.

"No one fucking deserves this Riddle! No one deserves having their family ripped away from them! What did you do? Make him watch him die?" She hissed staring at Mattheo searching for any hint of regret on his face only to be let down.

"You did didn't you?" She added as I looked up at Mattheo and saw him desperately trying to bite back his smile. Almost like he was proud of what he has done.

"Oh my god, would you just shut the fuck up already?" He shouted at her as he went to walk out of the room. Pansy looked over at me in disgust for not speaking up.

"She will hate him for this Draco and you know that. She may even hate you too." Pansy said to me as she followed Mattheo out of the room.

As she reached the entrance, she turned and stared at the ground before looking at myself, Blaise and Fred still in the room.

"Dumbledore has called everyone to the Great Hall by the way. That's why I came looking for you all in the first place. Seamus Finnigan was found dead in the Gryffindor common room and no one seems to remember a thing." She muttered as she left.

Devil of Silver - Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now