E i g h t e e n

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After the longest moments of spinning, my body soon hit a hard surface as I flickered my eyes open to see that we weren't in Hogwarts anymore. If I was being honest, I hadn't a clue where in the world I was right now.

The sky was almost grey-like with blue specks forcing their way through along with white woolen clouds. The grass seemed freshly trimmed but almost like it never grows either along the evergreen trees surrounding us. The air was crisp as I took a deep inhale of the new atmosphere.

I turned and saw Mattheo heading down a hill towards a path going through what seems like a dark shadowy forest with trees reaching sky high. Seconds later, he disappeared amongst the wilderness. I rushed down the hill as fast a my legs could carry me to catch up with him.

As I reached the entrance of the forest, loud claps of thunder were given out as the rain started to pour down on top of me. I kept going through the forest in search for Mattheo, calling his name from the top of my lungs only to be either ignored or lost. The air became thicker as I went further into the nature around me until I found a small getaway path sneaking through some finer trees. I followed the wobble path until I came to a halt and saw Mattheo before me staring out across the hills.

"So did you just ignore my attempts to call you?" I snapped at him as I made my way up to stand beside him. He kept his eyes fixed before him almost like I wasn't even here. A few moments of silenced passed by us as I tried to regain my strength and breath as I sat down on the mossy path.

"Where the fuck are we Riddle?" I spat as I pulled myself up to my feet as I gazed around at the bare sightings. "You wanted answers didn't you? You couldn't just leave things alone Y/N." He soon answered as he slowly turned his head and looked down at me with an almost disgust expression. Another clap of thunder echoed behind us through the trees with gusts of wind blowing past us. The rain pounding down on us sending shivers down my back. I watched as the clouds came down covering the top of the hills in the distance as Mattheo took a step out from underneath the tree into the open.

The rain soaked his skin as he threw his head back closing his eyes. He raised his arms from either side of him allowing the rain to drench him. I stayed under the tree keeping dry as Mattheo pulled out the dagger from inside of his blazer and threw it into the air as lightning struck at that very moment. The strike went straight to the dagger and into Mattheo as he started  laughing hysterically as he then dropped his arms by his side. The confusion within me only grew as he turned to face me with the biggest smile plastered across his face.

"I'm home Y/N.." He shouted from across the land as the rain started to lighten up.

"Here are your answers." He added as he turned back around dropping his head to examine his dagger. I stared at him and realised that he was truly happy here but why was he at Hogwarts then?

I stepped out of the forest and onto the field with Mattheo and walked up beside him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me forward closer to him whilst his other hand went to the back of my head as he pushed mines towards him and our lips met. It was the first time in weeks since I felt his touch like this.

Gosh did I miss it.

I missed him. Us.

Instantly, my hands reached up and wrapped around the back his neck as I deepened our kiss feeling his hands go to my waist lightly squeezing it. I felt the rain mizzling down on us as one more clap of thunder roared from above us. Mattheo then broke our kiss and rested his head on my shoulder as I started to rub the back of his neck.

His body started to shake and shiver and I soon heard him sniffling from beneath me.

"Mattheo?" I whispered as I tried to pull away only for his grip to strengthen around me. I felt him crumbling. "You're killing me Y/N." He mumbled into my shoulder and just at that, my eyes started to pool with tears that fell down my face. I could feel my insides turning and my heart almost straining by his words s I tried to pull away again to comfort him. "Stop trying to leave me." He soon whispered.

Devil of Silver - Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now