T w e n t y - T h r e e

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"Well haven't you changed, my pretty girl." He mumbled as he drew his wand down the side of my face carefully outlining my features as he dragged the wand down the side of my neck and pressed it into my skin causing me to wince. "Now now. You know I wouldn't hurt you baby." He whispered as he caught my reaction as he kept his face aligned with mines.

His eyes peered into mines and they were empty. He was gone. He has been gone for months now. "You're more beautiful than ever." He said as he stared at me with a subtle grin on his face. His other hand still wrapped around my waist as he kept me close to him. We were practically breathing the same air at this point.

"Let me go." I snapped at him as he raised his hand and pulled my hair back whilst I cried out in pain.

"Don't speak to me like that if you know what's good for you." He growled as he towered over me.

I had enough of his bullshit. I saw my life flash before me every time I stared at him. All the abuse and torture I suffered. The name calling and harassment in public as well as private but no one acknowledged it. They thought it was his 'witty' personality.

I carefully lifted my leg while balancing on the other and kneed him were the son doesn't shine. His grasp pf my hair loosened as he pulled his hand to reach down to where he was in pain as he crouched down and I saw this as my opportunity to run.

I backed away while listening to him groan in pain and slowly stand again and walk towards me. "Why you little fucking who-.." He hissed until I gathered enough saliva and spat in his mouth which bought me a few seconds to round him and head for the door.

I grabbed a hold of the doorknob and twisted it fast and sprinted out the door and down the hall. I had to get as far away as possible and to find Hermione and Blaise. "You're fucking dead Y/N!" I heard him shouting from behind me which made my feet run faster as I galloped down the abandoned halls.

No one was in sight.

As I sped away, I heard his footsteps growing behind me as I took a sharp turn banging on classroom doors and the walls. "Someone please help me!" I pleaded as I was becoming frantic and panicking as I heard him catching up with me as I turned my head to see behind me as he was now only a few feet behind grunting.

"Shit" I muttered to myself as I tried to pick up the pace but I could almost feel my feet starting to give out beneath me. "Wait till I get you!" I heard him shout as he let out a small shriek of laughter shortly after.

I managed to get towards the staircases as I leapt onto a set that started to move to another floor. I turned and saw him staring up at me as he waved his wand towards me. "Petrificus Totalus!" He shouted as a shot blew out from the end of his wand at me but I managed to duck out of the way in time as he kept shouting the same spell at me.

I waited until the stairs connected at the other side before I could leave as I then made my way off the stairway and down another empty hallway. I turned back and realised that I have now lost him.

I took another turn and stopped to catch my breath. I can't believe he is back and was posing as Mattheo this whole time. But then where was the real Mattheo? Did he really not return? Is that who Blaise saw the whole time?

"Y/N!" I heard someone shouting my name as I turned back and saw Hermione running towards me. "Where have you bee-.." She began to question but I took her in my arms and did not let go for a few seconds.

"Oh my god Hermione! He's back and he was posing as Mattheo this whole time!" I panic shouted at her as I started prancing back and forth.

"Wait Y/N, You're not making sense. Slow down!" She said raising her voice as she grabbed both of my arms to help calm me down.

"Now" She muttered.

"Who is back?" She added giving me a concerning look.

"Hey guys!" We heard another person calling soon realising it was Blaise who found us again. "What's up?" He added as he saw my panic state and jogged towards us. "What's wrong Y/N?" He repeated as he looked me up and down. My eyes filled with tears. I couldn't do this again.

"He's back Blaise." I whimpered.

"Who's back Y/N?" Hermione said becoming impatient as she started to roll her eyes at me.

"It's Fred. Fred is back." I mumbled as I brought my hands up and covered my face allowing my tears to fall down my face. I felt Hermione's arm surround me and immediately after I felt warmth. I felt safe. I then felt Blaise hugging me also.

"He's back and he tried to kill me again." I mumbled into Hermione's chest as they then pulled away and brought my hands away from my face.

"He was pretending to be Mattheo. So that means he's not really back." I said as I wiped my tears away from my cheeks. "Must be polyjuice potion." I then added looking up at Hermione and Blaise.

"Of course! That would explain why Mattheo was shaking and looking sick when you saw Blaise! He was probably running out of time." Hermione explained looking between us both.

"Oh my god" I heard Blaise muttering under his breath as he took a step back bringing his hand up to his head. "How did I not see this?" I heard Hermione putting herself down for not figuring this out sooner.

I could feel my heart racing. He was now back in my life yet again.

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