Who is this

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Tonight I spent alot of time cooking baked spaghetti trying to master it the way my sister does it. I've been on the phone with Henry on and off for hours at this point while I was cooking getting more and more irritated the later it got. "He was supposed to be here 5 hours ago" I said looking out the window checking for him hoping to see him walking towards the house. It was pitch black outside. It's never fully dark when he comes back. We started joking about how I wasn't shit because I was mad that he's out late meanwhile im on the phone with another nigga. Soon I got off the phone with him and it started to hit me even harder. I became even more irritated. I don't know if it was from boredom, me thinking coco is cheating or if he's not okay. The fact that he didn't have a phone for me to contact him made my mind damn near explode. It was a Wednesday night so I knew the buses were running regularly so I knew that wasn't it. I caught the idea that I seen on facebook many times. That I was going to make his bowl of spaghetti special and just add a bit more seasoning so he couldn't taste the blood. But joke was on me. I wasn't on my period. I knew I was supposed to come on in a matter of a day or two though. That will be my ultimate yes or no if I am pregnant or not. I fixed his plate and wrapped it and put it into the refrigerator so it could already be prepared when he walks in. I found myself in bed because I done did everything. I cooked, I got the girls in bed, I showered, I cleaned every room in the house and yet he still wasn't there. It was 11 something by this time. Finally drifting off to sleep, I heard a knock on the door. I jumped up excited because I knew it was coco. But given the circumstances, I was damned if I showed him the least of excitement to see him. I had a full blow attitude. "Hey" he said as if he wasn't walking in my door at the time he was walking in my door. "Wussup, where you been?" I got straight to the point. He started speaking so fast and mumbling so quiet that I didn't even catch a single word he said. He didn't even stop once he walked in, no hugs or kisses as usual, he rushed straight through my room as if he was hiding something. I didn't think anything bad of it.. Maybe he just didn't want to be bothered? So I laid back in the bed and scrolled on Facebook for a second until something started telling me I NEED to get up now. I don't like to sleep with much clothes on if any so I was barely dressed. I had on a dress that showed much cleavage and came no lower than my mid thigh. I didn't even as much have on a bra. I got up and opened the door to have him repeat what he was saying and as soon as I get into the living room, im face to face with another nigga that I've never seen before in my life. "Who are you?" I asked with a full attitude. He looked scary. You know how certain men look like they beat on women? That was him. His dress code was passing but shitty. He was a little bit taller than coco but alot more skinnier. He had a bookbag with him as well. I didn't even give him the chance to answer me. I interrupted him quickly. "Umm coco let me talk to you real quick" I said with a angry face and arms folded. Coco didn't say anything he just smirked at the nigga and followed me to the room. "Who the fuck is that?!" I yelled at him. Coco shut the door as if it made any difference at this point. "That's my homeboy Anthony. (I honestly forgot because I didn't care for his name so we just gonna call him Anthony.)
"Ok but why is he in my house coco?"
"We just gone be chilling for a lil bit" he said trying to caress me
"We? No the fuck 'we' not! He gotta go like right now"
"Why we just gone be in the living room chilling for a lil bit we ain't doing nothing"
"Well you can go do nothing outside because he gotta go"
"You foreal...It's mosquitos and shit outside and you gone make us sit out there?"
"You should've thought about that shit before you brought a stranger to my house without asking me! What did you expect? That I was gone be okay with it? I was face to face with a nigga I never seen a day in my life, I could've been butt ass naked when I walked out this room while you sneaking mfs in my house!"
"Ain't nobody sneaky nobody in"
"Yes you did because he wouldn't have be on the other side of my house without me knowing. I probably would've came alot different if he came to the door with you. You didn't ask me to bring nobody into my house!"
"You know I don't got no phone I couldn't call or text you to ask"
"Why the fuck you aint use his?"
"He don't got a phone either"
"Coco take him outside."
"Can we just chill until we have to go to work.."
At this point I was tired of arguing with coco that I just gave in. It's either I would be arguing him down for hours because he would be up for it or I called the cops on the both of them and I didn't want to take it that far because it wasn't that serious. I just felt extremely disrespected. Pay day was just 2 days away. I just want to collect the money and pay the bill and kick him out the next day for sure. I can't take it. I picked my babies up one by one and put them in my bed while they were sleeping. I would never be able to fall asleep with my baby girls in a different room while a nigga and a whole stranger is in my house. Quiet frankly I couldn't sleep even with them in the room with me. I walked out of the room and interrupted their conversation solely to observe his friend further. I was too distracted by anger to get a good look at him the first time. "I made spaghetti. You hungry?" I asked him trying to fake like I didn't have my attitude any more but it was no way it could be covered up. "Im alright I ate at my mama house" he said. The room was dry of conversation while I was in it so eventually I left. Or so they thought. "Alright im going to sleep." "Alright Goodnight"coco said. "Good night" Anthony said after him. I ignored both as I headed into my room. Before I could close the door he raised his voice down the hallway "your alarm still set to 4?" "Yeah." I responded. I waited for him to walk back into the kitchen before I closed my door loud enough for the both of them to hear it. But I wasn't in the room. I crept down the hallway quietly and stopped at the end of it so they couldn't see me eavesdropping. They had the casual conversation that most niggas have. Money they used to have, cars they want, hot shit they did and do and mostly about 'hoes' specifically their baby mamas. Anthony was going on and on non stop about how he had a girl madly in love with him but too jealous so she was "crazy" and how he always wanted to beat her ass and even admitted to putting his hands on her before. Coco was just laughing and agreeing to it all. Coco had never shown a single simple sign of putting his hands on a women. Not one sign at all. I remember he was playing too much one day years ago and I punched the shit out of him in anger. He didn't even budge. He's never made me feel the slightest of uncomfortable. So I was shocked. I stood on the corner of the hallway for a long time for about a good thirty minutes just listening. His friend has too much facts and knowledge on how to manipulate women. Luckily that put me on game a little bit. I finally went into my room to lay down and sleep but go figure I couldn't. I stayed up on facebook all night. After a while it was 3:55am so I got up to let him know what time it is. I got into the living room to see that they are both knocked out on the floor with the hallway light on, the kitchen light on and the living room light on. Meaning they've all been on for 5/6 hours straight. I knew this month's light bill was going to be high based off how much he used even within the little time that he's been there. To top it off, they were sleeping with my babies' blankets and pillows. "Yooo you really left the light on all night..." I said pissed off. "Get up its time for you to go to work" I said walking away. "What time is it?" He asked halfway sleeping. He was moving like his body was in pain from sleeping on the floor. I went back into my room but I didn't hear anything coming from neither of them so I went back into the living to find that both of them fell back asleep. "Get up! It's 4am!! "I been asked you what time it is" he got an attitude back with me. "And I been told you it's 4am" "Okay but what's the exact time?!" Coco raised his voice " it is 4 O fucking clock in the morning damn!!" I was so irritated because how could I make this any more clear? Anthony whipped out his phone and looked at the time. "it's 4 oclock on the dot bruh" I was so irritated that I didn't even realize they lied to me saying he didn't have a phone when he did have one. They quickly got ready. "It was nice meeting you" Anthony said. I didn't want to hear that shit so I didn't say anything to either of them. Coco didn't want to say anything to me either. I was so tired, I didn't check for anything missing. I just turned off all the lights and fell asleep asap.

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