Chapter 13

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~The Next Day~

Astrid POV

I put on a striped shirt and a skirt, Lily sleeps peacefully on my bed.

I smile kissing her forehead, I put a belt on around my waist.

I grab my bag and head out the door.


I walk into Hiccup's office, finding him typing something on the computer before laying back and sighing.

"Oh hi" he says getting up, I close the door behind me.

"So what do you want me to do?" I say crossing my arms over my chest. "Do you know how do fix a computer?" He asks as I look at him puzzled, "what do you mean?" I ask walking over beside him.

"Look" he says as I look at the screen, it's all jacked up.

"What's you do?" I say tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear.

"Wait get up" I say as he stands up letting me sit in his chair. I check everything to make sure it's connected and everything.

"I don't know you'll have to get someone who knows about computers" I say before I knock over a glass full of pens.

"Oh no" I say picking up the pieces. "here let me get it" he says before our hands touch once.

My heart begins to pound, we both look up staring into each other's eyes.

Before the door opens, Hiccup stands up, as I keep cleaning the pieces of glass carefully.

"Hey Hiccup wher-" says a boy, before he looks at me a devilish grin appearing on his face.

"Hey" he says as I roll my eyes, I stand up dropping the pieces of glass in the trash.

"I'll be outside if you need me" I say as I walk out, angrily.


Hiccup POV

I punch Mark's arm, "stop it" I say as he laughs. "a girl like her is way out of your league Hiccup" she says as I sigh.

"Did I as for your opinion?" I say as he chuckles, "who knows" he says as I groan.

"Just leave" I say as he leaves smiling.

I open the door to find Astrid, sitting on one of the chairs, her legs crossed while she reads a magazine.

She looks so beautiful.

"Astrid" I say as she looks at me with those beautiful blue eyes of hers.

"Ya" she says as she stands up walking inside my office. "You'll he working as my secretary so you'll be in here" I say pointing to my desk.

She nods.

It seems if at this moment the world stops, only me and Astrid.

"Astrid" I say as she turns to look at me, "do you think, you could ever give me another chance?" I ask.

She looks at the ground and speaks, her eyes full of fear and love at the same time.

"I don't know" she says softly.

"All I know, is that I don't trust you" she says now looking at me. "And that all that's gonna happen between you and me is lost" she says as my heart sinks.

"Okay" I say as I sigh.

"We should get working" I say as she nods.


Astrid POV

I file papers into the cabinet, as Hiccup types away on his computer.

I sigh and remember the first time I met him.

He was such a cute dork, he definitely had gotten taller, and handsomer.

Stop it Astrid.

I look at Hiccup while he doesn't notice. he looks changed, different somehow.

I walk over to the other cabinet before I almost slip, I'm ready to hit the floor but I feel no impact.

Strong arms hold me, I turn to find Hiccup. my heart pounds through my rib cage.

I can feel his racing heartbeat, his chest relaxes against my back.

I take a deep breath, looking at his hands that travel up my arms.

I turn to look at him, his arms still around me.

We stare I to each other's eyes, this can't happen, Astrid control yourself.

My arms find their way and rest on his chest. Our faces inch closer, so our noses touch.

Before I close my eyes, melting into the kiss.



Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I was on my other account since I hadn't updated there in a while.

I might have one week where I go on this account and then in the other account the following week and vice versa.

So how was it?

Did you like it?

Who agrees Heather should leave? (I do)

So how's your night going? Mine is pretty good.

Well I'll try and update unless I get really sleepy and fall asleep.

That's it for now adios. :)


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