Close to Rejection

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Selena's P.O.V
Oh. My. God. Everything that Kendall is saying to me is hitting me like a freaking truck. I honestly didn't mean to hurt Kylie, it's just all of my emotions and feelings were fucking blowing up my mind and I had to stop them. Stupidly, I went to Justin. Fucking Justin Bieber. I wish I could take back those horrible minutes and spend my time with Ky. It's actually crazy that love can make you do stupid things. It's also crazy that Kylie still likes me. I mean, I'm extremely happy and blessed she does, but she doesn't deserve me. She deserves someone who can be trusted without thinking twice about it. If I was Ky I would've stopped thinking about me and realize there is better things in life than a shitty girlfriend like myself. Over the past months that went by I missed her more everyday. I didn't even love myself when she left. Hell, I'm not even religious but I prayed everyday just to see her again. I guess this is God's "I'm giving you a second chance so don't fuck it up sweetie." Advice. "Do you want me to get her?" Kendall asked. "Yes please." I nodded vigorously. Kendall left leaving me alone. What if she doesn't want to talk to me? What if she runs away? I hate 'what if's' especially when I'm in this situation. I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't even realize Kylie was sitting in front of me. "Hey." I said so quietly that Kylie barley heard it. "Hey." I played with my fingers not knowing what to say. "Where is Cara and Kendall?" Great job Selena, she probably thinks that I don't want to talk to her now. "Why? If you want I can leave-."
"No! Please stay." Oh god this is so embarrassing. My voiced cracked and everything. "I just wanted to say sorry. I know that's a shit excuse, but can we try again please? I promise-" Kylie held her index finger in front of me. "Stop. I love you Selena. I seriously do but I don't want to try again. I finally got over you but no, I see you again. Fucking again." I did fuck up but all of this isn't my fault. "Maybe if you wouldn't have been flirting with Chloe we wouldn't have to be like this." I muttered. "Sel grow up. Chloe and I are friends and nothing else."
"Ky that's bullshit and the both of us know it. Chloe was fucking flirting with you and you didn't seem to mind it while I was standing right there." She rolled her eyes at me. "At least I didn't fucking sleep with my ex." She does have a point. "Why don't you just go fuck her instead of talking to me then?" She laughed. "Maybe I will." Kylie started to leave obviously wanting out of this conversation. I wanted to go after her but I didn't. I know that everything we had is officially over and will never be the same again but I didn't care. "Kylie can you promise me something!" I screamed getting her attention. "What?" She rested her hands on her hips. "Promise me that you will have someone better than me. Promise me that you will get the girl you always wanted that will love you no matter what. Please just promise me that." I hopelessly fell to the ground having me knees dirty. "Selena I'm not giving up on you. I don't want to leave you either. I'm just simply giving the both of us time to think about everything before making decisions that we might regret. I will always love you but we need to separate for a while." She gave me a flashy smile before turning around and walking to wherever she was going to.

Kendall's P.O.V
"Babe, where is Ky?" Cara and I are currently in I don't know shit town waiting for Ky to come back to us. "I don't know but it's been like 20 minutes." I said playing with her hair. "Oh look who it is." Cara laughed pointing at Ky who looks like she's been through a lot in the past 20 minutes. "Hey guys." Her voice was rather low and rough. "I guess it didn't go well?" I said. "I told her that we needed to stay away from each other for a while." C and I nodded our heads. "Now what?" Ky asked. "I suggest we all go home and probably call mom because well it's been a few days." It seriously has been a couple days though. "Home it is." Cara replied.
"Last one to the car is a little bitch." Goddammit Kylie. The three of us sprinted to the car. "Kylie I hate you." We all laughed at Cara's comment. The race ended with Kylie being in first and Cara and I tied for second place considering halfway there she carried me the rest of the way. "WE MADE IT!" Cara made fake wheezing breaths for dramatic affect. "Oh by the way. I drive." Kylie stated. "That means that Cara sits in the back. That also means that I sit in the back-"
"I swear to god if you guys have sex in the fucking car I will throw the both of out and leave you two here." I would just have sex in the bathroom then to be honest. "Fine." Once we all got in the car I felt slim arms around my waist and a head on my left thigh. "Is someone sleepy?" I smiled in complete darkness. "No, I just wanted to cuddle." I seriously have the best girlfriend ever.

Author's note: I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating lately but here I am! I love you all and I'm extremely tired so yeah. Xx
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