Being Weird Has Never Been Weirder

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Kylie's P.O.V
I can't believe what's going on. I had an amazing two days with Chloe, then I come home to this fucking shit. I just feel bad for Kendall, fuck Khloe and her ass. I'm not mad at Cara though, even though I should be. It just pisses me off that Khloe would even allow that to happen. The funny thing is, is that Khloe hates people who cheat. In the end, Khloe is a fucking hypocrite and Cara is sadder than ever.
Kendall left me with these two fucks and I'm not sure what to do with them. It's obvious that Cara isn't happy with her decision, and then there's Khloe, who has an attitude screaming "I don't give a damn."
"I'm going to go check on Kendall, you two can continue on if you would like." I say as I look directly at Khloe. That comment was actually made for her. I walk upstairs and reach Kendall's door, which is locked. I knocked a few times and patiently waited.
"Who is it?" She spoke on the other side.
"Kylie, please open up, Ken." I say.
I heard her get out of her bed and shuffle over to the door then bam. The door magically opened.
"You alright?" I ask whilst closing the door behind me.
"No, and please lock it." I do as told.
"What's wrong? Other than what happened literally 20 minutes ago." I sit beside her on the bed and watch her think of what's bothering her.
"I don't think I want Cara to be mine. I don't think I want to be her girlfriend anymore." She confessed.
"I wouldn't either after what happened." I said.
"No like, before that happened, it didn't even feel like we were a couple. There was nothing exciting or adventurous in our relationship. Yes, Cara is great and everything but I don't feel the same way about us anymore. And now that this happened, I'm not sure what I want. Seeing Cara cry ruined me and I just wanted to hug her and kiss her. I want to call her my ex, but I'm afraid of losing her." Before I got to speak, Kendall was crying. I honestly wish I knew what to do. The only thing I can do now is help her the way she helped me with Selena.
"Hey, no need to cry, it's alright." I said calmly while rubbing her back, it's something that she likes.
"Thank you, for coming home." Chloe actually decided for me that I should go, and damn am I happy she did. I also wanted to see Kendall but let's pretend that I didn't miss her or anything.
"Anything for you," I sang in her ear.
"What time is it, Ky?" Kendall asked, having me look at my dandy watch that I thought I would never wear.
"11:37." I stated.
"We should probably go to sleep." She yawns.
I stand up from the bed and head towards the door but I was stopped by a familiar voice.
I turned around and rested a look.
"Please stay." She says.
I chuckle to myself and smile having her grin.
"What do you think they are doing?" I ask, referring to, well, those fucks.
"Who knows." She responds as I climb in bed beside her. I didn't bother changing my clothes and neither did Kendall.
"Hey Kylie,"
"Yeah?" I respond.
"Will you always stand by my side?" She asks me. I had to think about it before answering.
"Only yours." I mumble. I felt her shift her body having her head lay on my chest with my arm around her. I bet anyone that didn't know us would say we are a couple right now. I started to play with her hair for a little bit until I started to drift to sleep.

*4 hours later*

"Kylie." I knew it was Kendall but I didn't want to open my eyes, nor respond.
"Kylie." She said again. I have a feeling that she isn't going to give up, so I looked at her with question written on my face.
"Kendall, what the hell do you want?" I said.
"I can't sleep." Well, that's a damn shame.
"Did you try to close your eyes?" I joked.
"I hate you for that." She laughed.
"I'm not to sure what to do about someone who can't sleep Kenny." I said while watching her rub her eyes.
"Let's just talk." Oh god. Talking at 3 in the morning is the worst idea ever.
"You smell nice," I simply say while breathing in her scent more. "Like strawberries mixed with roses." Kendall always did smell good to me.
"I love your hair." She says while stretching her hand to touch my hair.
"Are we always this weird to each other? Or is it a no sleep kind of thing?" I ask whilst still smelling her.
"Both." I laugh at that for some odd reason.
"Are you tired at all?" I ask, hoping she says yes.
"A little bit, if you want you can sleep and I'll sit here and try not to die." I laughed at the end of her sentence.
"Nah, it's alright. We can both sit here and try not to die." Even though I'm pretty tired, I'll stay up with Kenny.
"I love you." She randomly says.
"I love you, Kendall." I reply.
All of the sudden, she flips her body around so that her stomach is laying on me. She gives me a grin showing off her teeth.
"What time is it now?" She asks. I look at my watch which is coming in handy a lot now.
"4 in the morning." I say.
"Can we go somewhere?" What the fuck Kendall.
"Where? To the fucking moon?" I sarcastically said.
"I've never been to Martha's Vineyard." An island? Omg.
"I've never been either, but don't you think that's a little extreme? Just the two of us... On an island?" I ask.
"No, can we go?" This girl never gives up.
"No, I will think about it though. Hey, maybe soon we can go. Just you and me on an island." I gently punched her shoulder. She faked a cry making us break out laughing.
"Go to sleep my child." I said to her.
"There's no fun in that though." If I wake up in a bitch mood from the lack of sleep, I'm blaming it on Kendall.
"Let's go." I say whilst pulling the covers off of Kendall and I. I got out of the bed and turned around to Kendall.
"Where are we going?" I chose to ignore that and carry on.
"Just, come on."
Author's Note:
I find it amusing at all of these "I want CaKe "back" things. You guys either want CaKe or Kylie and Kendall. It's hard to do both. Anyways, I love you all so so much.
If interested:
Ig: JesusGolfing
Tumblr: AmberDumbson

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