We Tried. We Failed.

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Kendall's P.O.V
I woke up around 9 looking around my room. I could go back to sleep if I wanted to, but I was so curious about Kylie. I mean, she locked her damn door last night and wasn't willing to talk to anyone after that. "Fuck it." I thought. I got up throwing on a shirt that was long enough to cover my ass. I opened my door and walked over to Kylie's door. I knocked hearing a groan from the other side. "Ky its Kendall. Can I come in?" She hummed a yes. I tried to turn the knob but it was locked. "Oh would you look at that. Looks like you can't come in after all." Ky said. "Ky quit being an asshole please." I said. "Fine." The door was now unlocked and I heard Kylie jump on her bed. I opened the door to see Kylie laying on her bed while on her phone with only a bra and underwear on. I was afraid of this happening. Kylie is so gorgeous but the thoughts that are going through my mind right now aren't right and I can't let us do what we did before just from seeing my sister in panties and a freaking bra. "Hey." Kylie said.
"Hi." I spoke back.
"Kendall I want to talk to about last night." She admitted.
"Like?" I sat on her bed scratching her back.
"Well, when I locked my door it wasn't because of you or anyone. I just wanted to be alone. While I was alone I began thinking about what you said to me and I totally agree with what you said and I want my sister back." This is great news but this also sucks dick. It's great because Kylie wants us the way it used to be. It sucks dick because I wasn't ready for this. I know I said I didn't want to continue this, but like Ky is literally perfect. Maybe I'm just acting weird all the sudden. "I'm glad you feel the same way." Fuck. Me.
Kylie's P.O.V
If only Kendall knew I actually didn't want the way we used to be. Last night when I locked my door I started thinking of Kendall and how she looked with my fingers deep inside her. I wanted to do that now, but I can't. I never will be able to do it again because if Kendall doesn't want it then I won't do it. "Now what?" I asked. She didn't respond nor was she looking at me.
I then noticed Kendall was staring at a specific body part. I realized that I was only wearing a white bra with matching panties. It still made no sense why she was acting like this but oh well. "Kendall?" I gently shook her arm. "Oh. Umm. Sorry what did you say?" She seem flustered for some odd reason. "Don't worry about it. More importantly why was you staring?" I had a feeling Kendall wanted what I wanted but I wasn't completely sure."What do you mean?" She looked way to innocent. "Kendall. Do you want to tell me something?" I questioned.
She wasn't looking at me anymore. Her eyes were more focused on her thumbs. A teardrop was running down her face. "Babe. Don't cry." I whispered while switching positions so I can sit eye to eye level with her. I hugged her while playing with her hair. Kendall took my arms off of her and started to straddle me. She then laid her head on my chest crying more now. I hugged her again not daring to leave. Kendall moved her legs so they were behind my back. "I'm sorry." Kendall is a freaking train wreck right now. I have no idea why she is saying sorry either. "For what?" I calmly asked. "I'm a mess." She said back. Instead of saying anything I picked her up and pushed her against a wall. "Kylie. What are you doing?" She asked me. I didn't know what I was doing to be honest. "Standing." I smiled.
"Kylie be seri-" I rolled my hips into her. "Was you saying something?" I asked. "So we still like each other?" She said. I stopped leaning against the wall and went to the door. Kendall locked it for me. "I love the way you think." I admitted. "I love the way you do things." Kendall laughed. "I never realized how light you are." I said to Kendall. "I didn't even realize you was still holding me."
"Want me to put you down?" I asked.
"Nope. Can you take me to the kitchen please?" I set Kendall down for a second so I could put some sweats on. "Want a pair?" I offered to Kendall. "Nah, my shirt is super long." I went back to Kendall and bent down so she could hop on my back. "Why am I doing this again?" I asked.
"Because you love me." True. I walked to the door and Kendall unlocked it for me. "Going downstairs should be fun." Kendall said. Yeah. Umm. That should be interesting. I made my way to the stairs. "Can I just slide down." Kendall laughed. "I swear to god if you drop me or something like that I will literally throw you into dog shit."
"What the hell?" I laughed. I had no faith in myself and I didn't want to even try this. Kendall got off my back and the perfect thing came to mind. I carried Kendall bridal style and carefully went to the bottom. "Why do we have so many freaking stairs." I said once I reached the last one. "Kendall. Kylie. What the fuck?" Khloe asked.
"It's called love. Look it up." Kendall said. "Is that attitude I hear?" Oh shit. Nice one Kendall, real smooth. Khloe got off her seat now and slowly walked towards us. Thank god the kitchen was some what far from the stairs. "Yes. Now if you would excuse us." Khloe started to walk towards us now. I heard Kendall whisper "run" in my ear. I didn't want to because I would get in trouble, but then again we are talking about Kendall and a pissed of Khloe so looks like I'm running. I started to sprint up the stairs. "Kylie get your ass back here or you and Kendall will both be in trouble." Khloe didn't sound nice today at all. I wonder why. "Sorry Koko, maybe another day." I said. Kendall laughed extremely loud in my ear. Khloe was now running. Luckily she had to go up like 10 more steps because fucking logic. I made a left which led to Kendall's room. The only reason why I chose her room is because she has a window if we ever need to escape. I ran through the open door and closed it with my foot. I threw Kendall on her bed and quickly locked it. "I'm calling mom right now assholes." Khloe yelled from the other side. "Go ahead tattle tit." Kendall yelled back. Dad is going to be so pissed for us disrespecting Khloe. I just can't wait for the fun to happen.

Author's note: I had a lot of fun making this chapter. Also I promise to finish the next smut part. Ily guys so much xx
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