Ex-Girlfriend Now?

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Kendall's P.O.V
Hours and hours have passed and Kylie still wasn't home. It's obvious that she's with Chloe and everything but I can't help but feel a little different when she isn't here. I'm not sure what it is either. I see her all the time so it's not like I'm missing her. 'Oh well,' I thought to myself before leaving my room to go see Cara and Khloe. 'Maybe I'm jealous of Chloe and Kylie?' I yet again speak to myself. I don't know what going on with me, but it needs to stop.
"Hey girls," I say when I notice Khloe and Cara sitting on the couch together. "Hello, beautiful." Cara said. I don't know why I'm so "jealous" of Chloe and Kylie when little things like this make me smile and feel really great inside. "Hey, Kenny." Khloe patted empty space beside her wanting me to sit down. I sat beside her and stared into space. It's quiet without Ky. 'Fuck! There I go again! Thinking about Kylie!' I mentally scream in my head.
"Kendall? Something wrong?" Cara asked whilst scooting closer to me. "No, why would there be when I'm with you." I lied. Of course there is something going on and I'm not ready to face it. "Aww, you two are so fucking adorable." Khloe made cute little noises. I chose to ignore all those noises and started thinking about something else.
"Has Kylie called back?" I asked, not to anyone to specific.
"No, why don't you try calling her again this time?" Khloe says. I left the room for a moment to attempt to call her.

*On the phone with Kylie*
"Hey, Kylie." I say through the phone.
"Hello, Kendall. Is something wrong?" Why the fuck does everyone keep asking that.
"No, why would there be?" I ask trying not to realize I lie way too much.
"I don't know. You just sounded different, that's all." Different? Oh god.
"Oh that's weird, anyways when do you think you are coming home, again?" I ask whilst I notice Cara and Khloe laughing at something.
"Does someone miss me?" I laughed a little before mentally screaming 'yes.'
"Oh shut up, just can you come home tonight?" I say.
"If you admit that you miss me, I'll be home tonight." Omfg, I'm going to murder her.
"I'm not comfortable with that option." I joke,
hearing her laugh.
"Really, is that so? Maybe, I might not be home tonight then. Chloe's place is very home like." I'm going to murder the house and Kylie.
"Fine, Kylie, I miss you. Can you please come home tonight?" I ask very politely.
"Sureeeeeeee." She laughed.
"Yes! So I'll see you tonight?" I double check.
"Yep! Bye Kenny, love you." She said.
"Bye Ky, love you."

*End of the phone call*

I walk back to the couch where Cara and Khloe are but stop dead in my tracks once I see them both.
"Umm, guys?" Both of them were very close to each other. Not in a like "best friend" kind of way, more like in a "were dating" kind of way, if that makes sense.
"Oh, hey Kendall." Cara and Khloe separated from each other quickly once they heard me.
"Is there something going on? Or?" I look between the both of them with a questioning look planted on my face.
"No, we were just talking." Khloe stated. I'm not sure of anything anymore. I'm not even sure if I want to be with Cara anymore. I don't even have a valid answer to think of why I would want to break up with Cara. The only thing I can imagine saying is "I just want to be best friends, nothing more." And knowing Cara, she wouldn't deny that answer and expect down thing better.
"Kylie is coming home tonight." I still haven't sat down and I don't think I want to.
"That's cool." I hate this. This awkward conversation at the moment is slowly destroying me and all I want is Kylie to be here.
"What the fuck happened here when I was gone." Me starting an argument makes me think of Kylie beside me agreeing with everything I say, too bad she isn't here. At the moment.
"Nothing." They both stammered out.
"Obviously, something happened. Just fucking tell me now so I won't be losing any sleep on this bullshit." I wasn't going to be losing sleep on this which was hilarious in my opinion.
"Kendall what the fuck has got into you?" Khloe asked.
"I'm fine, it's just the last thing I want is my girlfriend cheating on me with my fucking sister." I say whilst trying not to show anger.
"Babe, nothing happened!" I hear Cara say.
"Kendall, you need to calm down and don't start shit with me." Is Khloe trying to piss me off more than I already am?
"Khloe, don't even. Cara, do you want this?" I say pointing to Khloe. I'm no dumbass, I saw them fucking kiss. Besides its obvious, both of their lips are swollen and coat each other's fucking saliva.
"What?! No! I want you Kendall!" Cara came closer to me.
"If you want me, why the fuck did you kiss Khloe?" I ask watching both of them break.
Nobody replied which is just great.
"Cara, do you want Khloe? Do you want to just stay best friends and go for my fucking sister?" I say watching the tears form in the corner of her eyes.
"I'm sorry, Kendall." Cara bit her lip to stop the tears from rushing out.
"Khloe, why? Out of all people in this huge fucking world you chose Cara, my girlfriend, which is I guess ex now." I say while watching Cara wipe her eyes.
"I don't know." Thank god, we care about each other in this fucking family.
"I don't have time for this shit." I say whilst leaving them alone to think about everything that just happened.

In that exact moment the door opened having Kylie walk in. She walked in with perfect timing. I ran over to her and hugged her. She returned the hug back and whispered something in my ear that I couldn't quite get. We both released and stared at Khloe and Cara which were in front of us.
"Did something happen?" Kylie whispers that only I can hear.
"Why yes, Kylie. Something did happen, maybe minutes ago." I say louder having the girls in front of me wide their eyes.
"May I know what happened?" Kylie asks with her hands on her hips looking at Khloe and Cara. I love when Kylie is right behind me in these type of things.
"Well, it's a long story, but we have time. From the beginning to the end," I start and look at Cara crying more than before which actually hurts me. "When I was calling you Kylie, these two, thought it would be cute to go head and get to know each other a little more," I looked at Kylie and she was understanding everything which is just fabulous. "And, when I ended the call, I came back to these two, and saw them kissing. Isn't that something? Khloe, our sister, and Cara, my girlfriend, kissing." I finish and watch Cara keep bending, slowly breaking.
"I see, Khloe, Cara, are you two a thing? Because it sounds like Cara and Kendall are done with." I listen to Kylie while darting my eyes straight at Cara. It breaks my heart seeing Cara like this. Then again, she did this to herself and I can't let her win this time.
"I don't want to be done." Cara says.
"Do you think I want to be done? But if it's you two now I guess there's no room for me Cara. I thought you said that you wasn't going to hurt me. Apparently I was expecting more from a girlfriend, best friend, and great human." I leave the three of them and I know Kylie is bitching at Khloe and leaving Cara to cry which bothers me. Everything is bothering me.

Author's Note: I bet none of you expected me to update so quickly did you? Lawl, I love and hate this update. I have so many ideas for this story and this update has checked an idea off the list. Also, what do you guys think about me using a P.O.V the whole chapter? Did you like it the other way where I had multiple point of views in the chapter? LET ME KNOW PLEASE! Also let me know what you think about this whole Cara and Kendall thing. I almost cried. ):
I love all of you so so so so much! Please comment! 😊😘👌 xx
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