Fuck Truth or Dare

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Khloe's P.O.V
It's like 8 p.m. and the girls and I finally arrived at the stadium to watch the game. The four of us entered the ginormous place ignoring the flashes and hollers that we received. "Now this is called bondage." All of us took our seats having Kylie sit beside me and Kendall beside Kylie with Cara on the other end beside Kendall. "True, but I feel like an idiot." Cara laughed. "Why is that dear? It better not be your fucking Lakers sweatpants that match your adorable Lakers jersey." I love sounding like a mom for some reason. "Yeah, I kinda feel like a dad." Kylie jumped in. "Kylie you literally have the coolest gear out of all of us." I pointed out. "Khloe. Why are you making me wear a necklace that probably made me lose 1000 followers on Ig?" Only Kendall would be worried about losing followers. "Alright girls, listen up. I may or may not have made you wear these shit clothing but let's be real. I have great fashion taste. Cara that side hat and baggy sweatpants look fucking hideous but great on you. Kendall your beaded necklace are the colors of a damn warrior so act like you are ready to go to war. As for you Kylie, you honesty have cool shit. Like those basketball earrings are fucking killer. To be honest I feel like I got the short end of the stick here." All of laughed. "Yeah true. I mean that "face paint" or whatever the hell you call looks pretty shit." Ky commented. "Exactly. So who what's to play truth or dare now?" The girls sang 'I do' having other people around us stare. Seriously fuck off.

Kylie's P.O.V
The game already started and I'm already lost. "Truth or dare Ky?" Kendall said to me. "Umm truth." I tried paying attention to the game but it honestly sucked pussy dick. "Is it true that you fucked Selena?" I'm so happy we are starting this game out very lightly. I looked at Cara seeing her eyebrows wiggle. "True." I muttered. Sel and I had great sex. I think that's the only reason why I didn't join the threesome Cara offered me. It's because I think I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much as I did from Sel. "Cara, truth or dare?" Cara thought about it before answering. "Dare." Ha. Little rebel. "I dare you to yell 'suck my dick' in the manliest way possible when the Nets score." I heard Khloe laughing after I said that. "Do ittttttt." Kenny cheered. Cara playfully glared at me. "Fine." I smiled in joy as I saw the Lakers score which means the Nets get the ball. "This should be exciting." I sipped my drink observing the game. Finally, some bitch ass player on the Nets shot a three and made it. "SUCK MY DICK!" Cara yelled which actually caused the player to look at us. "Omfg." All of us laughed like immature adults that we are. "KoKo, truth or dare." Cara giggled. "Ehh, dare." Oh god. "I dare you to grab ice cubs from your drink and stick them down your panties." Kendall and I bursted out laughing. "Fuck you." Khloe opened her lid from her drink and grabbed 4 square cubes. "I can't wait to have my vagina frozen." Everyone laughed expect Khloe of course. I'm so happy we wasn't in the first row because if we was, well we would've been kicked out already. Khloe stuck her hand down her pants. "I hate my life." Khloe said while gasping for air. "Cold?" I laughed with the others. "Alright, Kendall, tr- fuck that's cold. Truth or dare?" I kind of felt bad, but at the same time I didn't because her face is priceless right now. "Dare." She laughed. "I dare you to shove fucking ice cubes down your underwear." Cara and I shared laughs. "But, Cara has to put them down your underwear." Ohhhhhhhhhhhh shit. "You have got to be shitting me." Kendall shook her head. "Just do it pussyyyy." I smirked. The couple both sighed. Cara grabbed 4 ice cubes from her cup and held them in her hand. "Why the fuck do ice cubes have to be cold?" She shook her hand making drops of water fly everywhere. "Well, ready babe?" She asked Ken. "Just do it already." Cara slid her hand down Kendall's pants. "I hate ice cubes now." Kendall gasped from the coldness. "I'm glad we are all having fun." Khloe laughed. "Kylie, truth or dare." Ken said whilst moving around. "Dare." Something tells me that I'm also getting ice cubes down my pants but hey it might not happen. "I dare you to yell 'eat my asshole'." I'm surprised by that to be honest. "Okay." I responded. "Thank Jesus my cubes melted." I started laughing at what Khloe said. "What's so funny?" KoKo giggled. "I thought you said pubes instead of cubes." I laughed even more. This time having Cara laugh with me. "Thank jesus my pubes melted." Cara and I were literally the only ones laughing. After C and I got the giggles out I glanced at the scoreboard seeing the game ended in 12 minutes having the game in 4th quarter. "Hey guys do you want to leave early?" I suggested. "You still have to do your dare Ky. But yeah." Kendall said. The whole crew including I packed up our things and left. "Ky do it now." Khloe laughed. I waited to do my dare once all of us were out of distance. There were still a few people around us. Not to mention or anything but we was like the fuck outta there. I turned around and screamed what everyone was anticipated for. "Hey! You!" OH SHIT. A man in all black jogged towards us. He looked like a bodyguard or a fucking undercover dick cop. "1...2...3 Run!" Cara shouted. Thank Jesus above that I didn't wear heels today. I noticed how Cara is giving Kendall a Piggyback ride. "Girls! Stop!" Yeah, how about no. The four of us are in the parking lot now and I honestly feel like shit from running a distance like that. "You alright Cara?" I asked. "Yeah. By the way, KENDALL YOU ARE NOT WEARING HEELS EVER FUCKING AGAIN." Kenny and I laughed. "Sorry babe."
Kendall's P.O.V
We made it to the house which is good. I opened the door to the Jenner's House and was greeted by the rest of my family. "What. The. Fuck." Mom seems pissed. "What?" Khloe questioned. I noticed Cara that is rather awkward right now. I reached for her hand and held it. "Really?! FUCKING REALLY? Do you seriously think it's okay to go to a basketball game and carry on like fucking children?! Did you think that screaming 'eat my asshole' and 'suck my dick' is funny? NOT TO FUCKING MENTION PHOTOS OF HANDS DOWN PANTS! ALSO WHY THE FUCK DID YOU RUN AWAY FROM A FUCKING COP?!" I pulled Cara beside me and held her waist. "Mom calm down, we was just having fun. Besides, I wanted to get to know Cara, aka Kendall's amazing girlfriend." I looked at C seeing her blush. "I'm going to bed, also Cara, I'm sorry you have to see me like this." Momma said. "It's alright." I loved Cara's frickin accent and she knew I loved it. "We will talk about this tomorrow. Now everyone get your ass to bed." I realized that Cara has her own place that she hasn't returned to. I turned to face her. "Babe, do you want to sleep with me, or-"
"Oh shit. I forgot I own a freaking house." I laughed. "I'll stay with you though." She kissed my forehead making me smile. "Girls, please do not have sex tonight. I seriously don't want to wake up hearing "Kendall!!" Again." Kylie said making KoKo laugh. Cara hid behind me. "Fine." I faked a pout. I love my family and my girlfriend.

Author's Note: wow. Thank you all for the 4.1k reads!!! I love you all so much!! Xx
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