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i head downstairs, it's 4 am and i woke up.

"ji-hoon, why are you awake go to bed!" i whisper.

i look at my little brother that's intensively staring at the tv, he's killing his opponents and aggressively pressing his fingers on his controller. i chuckle and head over to the couch and put a blanket over myself and him, i get the other controller and start playing with him.

"why are you up this late huh?"

"i couldn't sleep ji-eun noona."


"you realize you have to take me to school right?"

"what why?" i look at my brother.

"because starting from tomorrow, every tuesday you have to take me to school."

"what school do you even do to?"

"the one down the street."

"you lead me i don't know, also what grade are you in ji-hoon?"


"oh okay."


i get up from the couch, now i'm tired.

i go to my room and head to my bathroom staring at my face.

"my eye bags are showing, great.."

i do my morning routine and put on my uniform and a hoodie with a few chains and go downstairs. i see my older sister putting on her shoes as i walk past her,

"ji-eun are you gonna eat?"

"nah i don't feel like eating, did mom and dad leave already?"

"yeah. i'm heading out now, go wake up ji-hoon he needs to be at school at 6."

"okay bye?"

i go head over to the couch but i see ji-hoon's gone, he's probably getting ready.

"hey noona lets go- where's your socks?"

i see him point to my feet,


i rush upstairs and grab a black pair of socks and i get my backpack, phone and nintendo.

"let's go ji-hoon."

𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 {𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐧}Where stories live. Discover now