Home Again Tour Nightmare Preview

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Home Again Tour - New Mexico - 1997

Bobby is on stage about to perform one more song for the crowd, " My Prerogative". He's holding off time causing the show to run over only giving the rest of the guys a small amount of time to perform 1 or 2 songs each.

*Bobby yells into the crowd*

Bobby - "They giving me the signal that it's time for me to go, but I ain't ready to go yet. So when I say "Bobby" you say "Brown"! ----BOBBY!"

Crowd- "BROWN!"

Bobby- "BOBBY!"

Crowd- "BROWN!"

*My Prerogative begins to play & he begins to sing*

Bobby- "They say I'm crazy, I really don't care. That's my prerogative. They say I'm nasty, but I don't give a damnnn"

The camera pans to backstage showing 2/3 of BBD.

Ricky- "Yo, RD here yet?"

Mike- "Nah"

The camera pans back to the stage revealing Bobby singing to the crowd.

Bobby- "Some asks me questions, why am I so real. But they don't understand me, I really don't know the deal. About a brother"

Ronnie proceeds to walk in with his entourage

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Ronnie proceeds to walk in with his entourage.

Ronnie- "Man how long he been out there tonight?"

Ricky- "Too long"

Mike- "Three hours"

The camera pans back to Bobby on stage once again and then to Ronnie.

Ronnie- "So what, that leaves us time for 2 songs? Johnny maybe 1--- *takes off jacket* I'm sick of this shit"

Ronnie grabs a mic and tells Ricky and Mike to go to the other side. He then runs on stage and starts to yell out to the crowd.

Ronnie- "Yo yo yo! This your boy Big Ron Devoe----Yeah yeah, yall give it up for Mr. Bobby Brown----But New Mexico, all I wanna know is one thing.. yall ready for some BBD?"

Bobby- "What the hell is you doing?"
*walks up to Ronnie and whispers in his ear*

Ronnie- "What it look like I'm doing"
*he whispers back*

Ronnie cues the band to play "Poison". The crowd starts to cheer and Mike starts off singing.

Mike- "Girl I must warn you. I sense something strange in my mind."

The camera pans to an angry Bobby and his bodyguard begins to talk in his face.

Bobby's Bodyguard-" Where your boys man? You just gonna let them sucker you up like that? Huh? Huh son?"

Ronnie:  "Let's cure it cause we're running out of time".

An angry Bobby turns and heads to what appears to be a firehose backstage.

Bobby- "Man this that bullshit! They act like a bunch of bitches!"

Bobby's Bodyguard- "Talk to me. What we gon' do?"

While Ricky is singing his part, Bobby runs to the emergency firehouse and takes it out. He runs close up to the stage and tries to turn it off but see that it is not working.

 He runs close up to the stage and tries to turn it off but see that it is not working

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Bobby- "Man I can't get this shit to work!"
*throws it down and rush onto the stage*

Bobby begins to try and take the mic from Ronnie but they begin to shout over each other. The music stops and both posse's run on stage. They made their way backstage to carry on the fight. Johnny is seen moving back and Ralph is seen looking in confusion.

Brooke Payne V.O.

"I don't know how everything got so bad. The ego's, the in-fighting, the jealousy. It wasn't always like this. When I met them, even at that young age--there was a brotherhood"

A man takes out his pistol and proceeds to pull the trigger. You can see Mike nearly dodging the bullet and the audio reversing to the very beginning where it all started.

Brooke continues, "In the beginning, it was pure"

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Brooke continues, "In the beginning, it was pure".

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