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Welcome to the wonderful world of the Russian Roulette. It’s a television game show, where thirty-two high society girls are thrown into one house, for one year. This one-year will be hell on earth, I’ll tell you that. Their one goal: find out who the perpetrator, the one girl here being paid to find out each and every girl's darkest secrets. Of course, it's no easy task to find her. She is the sneakiest of the bunch, and is being paid exorbitant amounts of money to stay hidden. Every other week, sometimes more often, each girl will cast their vote for which they think is the perpetrator. If they guess correctly, each of the remaining girls will be given a one million dollar cask prize. If they are wrong, two more weeks of living hell, and another chance to lose it all. Oh, and of course, the girl they voted for will be kicked out of the house. If no one can figure out the mystery by the end of the year, the perpetrator will win the game, and will take the fame and fortune away from everyone else. This has happened during the last five seasons. Will these thirty-two girls change the tide, or will they fall into the same trap as their predecessors? Let’s find out.

This story is semi-inspired on the eighth season of 'big brother,' in which they had 'America’s player.' 

This story is based on my own role-play club on star doll, called lincoln..prep.

This story is rated PG-13 for the possibilities of swear words being used and the possibility of some adult material being mentioned. You’ve been warned.

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