Chapter Eleven - Skylnn

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This could be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare.

A robotic voice sounds off throughout the house. “Common time starts in one hour. Please wake up and get ready.”

I wake up and yawn, making my way to my bathroom, turning on the shower. Then it hits me. Someone will be leaving this house today. Who will I be voting out? Who do I believe is the Perpetrator? I honestly have no idea. I’m going to have to consult with Hanalee, Calista, Naomi, and the newest additions to my group, Kayla and Brielle. But for now, I need to get in the shower. I send a text to those five.

Meet at the Pool at start of Common Time.

I click send and attach my phone to the docking station in my bathroom. I begin to blast my music, and the first song to play is ‘Little Things’ by One Direction. Sometimes I feel as if that song is the only thing that keeps me going, the only thing that makes me feel good about myself. I mean, at the clinic, all they told me is that I had to love my little things, and now there’s a song that tells me to do just that. I don’t even like One Direction, I quite honestly despise them, but this song just moves me to tears. And as I step in the shower and start my routine, my mind drifts back to the days I had spent in the clinic.

It all started with the photo shoot on Valentine’s Day 2008. That day changed my life. When I put on the swimsuit for the beach, all the other models were smirking and giggling, throwing stares and occasionally pointing fingers my way. The entire day I felt self-concious, I didn’t talk to anyone. At the end of the day, I decided to talk to one of the girls, to figure out what was up. And what she told me hasn’t left my mind since.

“Your fat Sky. What are you, a size two? It’s disgusting, I mean, we don’t even know how you have the job,” she told me, laughing so hard as if what she was saying was the best joke in the world. “I’ll teach you. It’s not that hard, actually. You just have to stop eating.”

I was only thirteen at the time, and I immediately did as I was told. I slowly just stopped eating, and by the age of fifteen, I was five foot ten and a slight ninety pounds. When I went to the doctor’s, they tried to put me into one of the clinics, but my parents were convinced I was fine. All I was eating each day was one salad with just plain iceberg lettuce and a few nuts. I continued with this habit until a shoot in the winter of 2012. In the middle of the shoot, I suddenly fainted, being knocked into a coma because of starvation. I was immediately put into an eating disorder rehab clinic, and I was stuck there for six months. Cut off from civilization with the exception a visitor every Wednesday. They told me that I was beautiful, even when I had some fat and was eating normally. They told me that I had to love everything to stay healthy, had to love everything about myself. And if I didn’t, I would relapse. The day I was released from the clinic, Little Things was released. I was so happy, that finally there was a song that would convince me, because I certainly couldn’t convince myself. A little after a month later, I was accepted into the Russian Roulette. And now, I’m doing just fine.

I snap out of my thoughts, and I was done with my shower. I have half an hour to do my makeup, so I do a simple look, just my eyeliner, mascara, and lip balm. I smile at myself and move to my massive closet. I choose some simple Lululemon yoga pants and a Jack Wills hoodie I had bought when in London. I smile, throwing on my Uggs, and deciding to make my way to the pool early. I get on the elevator, I had ten minutes to spare, but whatever.

I arrive at the pool and Kayla is already there, wearing boot cut Levi jeans, a plaid shit tied in the front and her pink cowboy boots. I smile at her and sprawl out on the chaise lounge next to her.

“So, Sky, why’d you summon us to the pool?” she inquires, her accent flooding her words.

“We need to figure out who is the Perpetrator. I honestly have no idea.” I say, shaking my head. This game was a lot harder than I thought.

An evil smile appears on her face. These smiles worry me sometimes, but I shake the feeling. “Well, Sky. I have no clue either. Too early to tell if you ask me. But, I say we vote out someone we don’t like. Then, we don’t have to deal with her anymore.”

Now I know where that smile came. It’s a good idea, an evil one, but a good one. “How about Ashylnn. That bitch has no business being here. I think she’s only here to terrorize other people. I don’t think she even wants to win.”

“Let’s do it.” And right then, the other girls show up, and the clock strikes nine, meaning Common Time has started. I smile at my little minions and motion for them to sit next to Kayla and I.

“Vote for Ashlynn. That bitch has got to go.” I say with us no emotion, and they all just nod. Then, we move to meaningless chit chat.

If Ashlynn doesn’t go, then I know we’re not the only alliance.

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