Chapter Thirteen - Skylnn

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Since we found out that anything could happen…

My alarm wakes me up five minutes before the robotic voice is set to go off. I flip on the shower and set up my music, ready to go through my morning routine. Then, the robotic voice shakes me back to the reality that is the game.

“Common Time starts in one hour. At that time, please report to the Meeting Room. Please do not show up before Common Time starts.”

That seems off. Not the fact that we have a meeting, it’s to figure out who went home, but it’s the fact that we can’t get up there early. I decide to let it go, and so I step into the shower. As I am about to step out, the song Eyes Open by Taylor Swift fills my ears, and I just stand there for a moment. I never truly understood the meaning of this song until I entered this game. And to me, it explains this game perfectly. You never get a break, no matter how much you think so. You are always playing the game. It’s all you ever think about. America is always watching, too. They pay attention to your every move, and they try and guess who will win, the house or the Perpetrator.

When the song ends, I step out of the shower, and dry off. I throw on my robe and step into my luxurious walk in closet, full of every name brand out there. I decide on a studded blouse from Forever 21, a leather jacket from Topshop, studded black high waisted denim shorts from my favorite Etsy shop, and oxblood tights from H&M. I throw on my Steve Madden Tarnney Boots and throw my hair in a messy bun. I rim my eyes in black kohl, put on a thin coat of mascara, and coat my lips in oxblood colored lipstick. I decide the outfit will do and step into my bedroom. I still had a half an hour, so I decide to get on my laptop and check the gossip blog. Nothing new for the past couple days. Well, now what am I going to do for the next 25 minutes?

After five minutes of debating what to do, I decide to just sit there, singing into my mirror and reflecting on the past week of my life.

Have I played the game well? Yes, I have. Did I go too hard too fast? No, I did not. Am I a target? Not in my mind, but who knows what everyone else is thinking. That’s what’s hard about this game, no one ever can pinpoint their exact position in the minds of others. I smile to myself at how reflective I’m being. I’ve never reflected so much on one event in my life, this is what life does to you.

And at that, the voice booms over the loudspeakers, calling us all to the meeting room. I lift myself off my bed, and make my way to my elevator, grabbing an apple on my way. I step into my elevator, and just sit there staring off into space until I hear the “ding” telling me that I had arrived at my desired floor. I step off right as the door opens wide enough for me to fit through, and see all the other girls had just arrived too. We all make our way to the meeting room most of us just walking like zombies, too tired to play the game. But I notice every single person walking there, and three girls were missing.

Alexia, Naomi, and Kayla.

One of them had to be the girl who’s out, and for some odd reason I feel like the Producers are doing this to us for a reason. Wait, didn’t Kayla have immunity? That’s right, that means that it’s a 50/50 chance that one of my closest allies could be gone. And that means that Ashlynn is still here. I haven’t been up for an hour and today’s already the second worst day of my life!

I sit down, and then Kayla sits down next to me. Good, she was just a little slower than the rest of us. But there was still no sign of Alexia or Kayla.

“Do you know what’s going on?” I ask Kayla, who seems just as devastated as I am currently.

“No idea. I’ve never seen this happen before. Two people are missing.” she replies, and my head once again fills with thoughts of the worst case scenario. What if both of them are gone? What if the Producers are playing some sick twist on us? What the hell is going on?

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