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Lurking in the shadows, watching his every move, with his dark fitted clothes and a knife held tightly in place on his belt he felt unstoppable. The bushes screamed as did the wind cry as he walked by with silent footsteps. His blonde locks were covered with a black beanie to keep camouflaged with the pitch black sky which had very few stars shining that night. His face was pale yet somehow made to look so contrasted. His brown eyeshadow rested upon his eyelids as did the slight thin line of eyeliner. He liked to make himself look pretty for his love. Even if he didn't see him that night. One day he will.

Crouching behind a green bush he patiently waited for the younger boy to exit the store he work at. Taehyun looked down at his watch as the hand ticked to 10pm. As if on cue the small and fragile brunette stepped out of the store wrapping his thick winter coat around himself.

Taehyun wished the boy brought his scarf with him as he watched him shiver in the cold breeze. Cursing at the wind taehyun turned around and followed the boy down the street while still keeping hidden.

He watched in awe as the clumsy boy dropped his keys from his frozen hands while reaching to take them out of his pocket.

He picked them up and unlocked his front door taking one last shiver before entering his house.

Taehyun kept his eyes glued on him until the very last second. And even as his front door closed his eyes lay stuck for a few moments.

He sighed pleasantly as the boy made it home safely. Finally stepping out of the bushes and stretching his back taehyun listened to the sweet sound of his bones crunching. He hummed in satisfaction then headed home to his best friend and partner in crime.

It was now 12am and the drunks began to slowly make their way out of a pub.

Taehyun watched as a drunk lady dressed in clothes way too out of season stumbled across the road to the path he was walking on.

Unfortunately for her she happened to see taehyun and make her way towards him.

Slight annoyance he couldn't return home yet crossed his mind but a smirk soon appeared on his face as he saw an alleyway coming into view.

Taehyun slowed down allowing the woman to reach him. He controlled his smirk and plastered a sweet smile on his face.

"Excuse me young man, i just happened to see a handsome man across the road and I just wondered if he wanted to have some fun" she slurred out.

Taehyun's gentle smile didn't leave his face. "Oh you must be quite drunk ma'am let me take you home"

She gave a warm smile not used to men making such kind gestures. "Oh my Thankyou so much sir"

Taehyun had mastered his fake smiles and kindness by now he's been at it for years.

So he stretched out his hand and wrapped it around her furthest away shoulder. "It's not safe for woman to be walking the street alone at night"

She nodded her head in agreement. "I know my asshole ex boyfriend showed up and tried to make me go home with him again. He's a horrible man trust me"

Taehyun smirked at his alibi as he approached the alley.

He grabbed her hand and snatched her round the corner.

"Oh my- what are we doing" she said in shock.

Taehyun raised his head as a wicked crude smirked made its way to his lips.

Her eyes became glossy as she witnessed a man who once looked so soft and friendly turned into nothing but a monster from her worst nightmares.

"W-what do you want from me" she shrieked In fright.

Taehyun tilted his head as he began to retract the knife from his belt buckle.

Frozen in terror the girl was pushed against the opposite wall as he held the knife to her stomach.

"W-why d-do you w-want to k-kill m-me" she stuttered while hyperventilating.

Taehyun let a chuckle release from his lips. "Don't take it personal sweetheart, I just really like to hurt people"

His voice was sinister and sent shivers down her spine as his breath was close to her ear.

He let the knife travel along her body and up to her throat. "You're too easy" he whispered.

"You didn't even beg for mercy yet" he rolled his eyes.

"Wouldn't want to give you that kind of satisfaction would I" she smirked thinking she had the upper hand.

Taehyun tilted his head as he let his eyes bore into hers. "Do you really think you have the upper hand on me here?" He chuckled again. "Ive had plenty of people who behave just as well as you have. Honestly I'd like to thank you"

The smug smile was washed from her lips to once again be replaced with a quivering bottom lip. "Please" she whispered.

"Oo- what was that? A plead?" He teased.

"Stop playing with me already" she released a tear from her soggy waterline.

Taehyun sighed. "All right as you wish. But not because you asked me too but because I wish to go home"

Taehyun pierced the girls skin as the knife slipped into her side above her hip. She cried out in pain as the blood flowed into the knife and down the handle onto taehyun's silky smooth skin. He extracted the knife before covering her mouth.

He leaned in and whispered in her ear. "Thankyou"

He then pulled away the pair making eye contact as he slit her throat with the same knife. He stared into her eyes as he watched them go lifeless. He watched the colour drain for her skin as she fell to the floor.

Taehyun took out a handkerchief that was sitting patiently in his pocket. He wiped his blood stained hands and knife on it before placing it back in his pocket and this time taking out a matchstick box and a small bottle of gasoline.

He sealed his knife back in place before pouring the cool smelling liquid over her body then drawing a matchstick from its box.

He looked back at the lifeless body laid below his feet before quickly swiping the match across the box setting it alight. He looked at the pretty flame before flicking it onto her body and watching her once beautiful flawless skin become dark and crispy.

He smiled at his work then turned away once again making his way home after his quick pit stop.


I honestly think this is the best thing I've ever written aha

Anyways. Here's the first chapter what do we think of taehyun huh??

Who do you think will be introduced next? Yeonjun? Beomgyu? Soobin? Or someone else?

Until next time ❤️x

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