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"Did you know you can puncture a main artery it can take a person 10-15 minutes to die!" Yeonjun giggled as he told soobin more and more facts about death

He could see soobin curled up as he sat beside him but Yeonjun just couldn't stop, he was so excited he finally had soobin to speak to and he was so happy.

"Ooo have you met taehyun yet?" Yeonjun asked.

Soobin shook his head slowly not bringing his head up from his knees.

"Hmm we'll go see him tonight I'm sure he's busy with beomgyu right now" Yeonjun smiled.

"Hey! How about tomorrow you come to work with me huh?!" Yeonjun jumped up on his knees bouncing on the bed.

Soobin's eyes began to form tears.

"Oh wait I think I have work while you're at school" Yeonjun pouted.

Soobin's ears perked up at the word.


Soobin raised his head and looked at the pinked haired boy.


"Of course. Did you think I'd stop your eduction? Besides If you don't go people might get suspicious" Yeonjun shrugged.

"W-what about my d-dad?" Soobin stuttered out nervously. He hoped no harm would come to his family.

"Do you think I'm a monster? Of course your dads fine" Yeonjun rolled his eyes. "You'll go home after school and say you're staying with a friend"

"I-I don't have f-friends" soobin began to shake he was so scared.

"Oh honey we're friends aren't we?" Yeonjun raised his eyebrow while smiling widely.

Soobin didn't know how to respond. If he said no the other night get mad and hurt him. But if he says yes he might get too excited and do something soobin didn't want.

He just settled with a timid nod of the head and a frown in his face.

Yeonjun giggled. "Oh I knew it!"

Yeonjun jumped off the bed. "Are you hungry?"

Soobin shook his head but at the question his stomach began to grumbled.

Yeonjun put his hands on his hips and smirked. "Hmm someone's tummy isn't happy with your response"

Stretching his hand out Yeonjun waiting for soobin to take it.

"Come on let's go eat" Yeonjun's smile was yet to leave his face soobin was beginning to question if it was hurting.

"Get up baby you're hungry aren't you" Yeonjun chuckled.

Soobin stayed with his head in his knees. He refused to go anywhere with his kidnapper.

"Fine." Yeonjun monotoned.

He put his hand back down by his side and walked out of the room alone. Closing the door behind him.

Finally alone soobin lifted his head up.

And finally let the tears spill.

He was so scared.

Scared for himself, scared for his dad and somehow a little scared for beomgyu.

"Oh god someone please help me" he whispered to himself as he sobbed away.

Yeonjun marched down the stairs grumbling to himself.

Walking past the living room he could hear chatter from his housemate who was currently with beomgyu.

Rolling his eyes he slammed the kitchen door and began to prepare food.

Soobin felt he was crying for a good 20 minutes before the door swung open once again and the pink haired smiley boy walked back inside.

Soobin sniffed up his tears before sitting up.

"I thought about letting you starve since you kind of hurt my feelings but I decided against it" Yeonjun chuckled.

He placed a tray of food down infront of the recently distressed boy.

"It has all for favourite things. Bread, spaghetti Bolognese and a nice cold glass of water" Yeonjun smiled happily satisfied with his meal.

"T-Thankyou" soobin mumbled.

Yeonjun's eyes sparkled at the gratefulness. "You're welcome"

Yeonjun wondered back to the other side of the bed and sat down beside him.

Grabbing the tv remote and switching it on "so what shall we watch?" Yeonjun questioned.

Soobin shrugged in response as he ripped into his piece of bread.

Yeonjun settled on a comedy to hopefully ease Soobin's mind and make him feel comfortable.

A good few minutes into the film a small giggled exited Soobin's mouth.

Yeonjun looked over to see the boy engrossed in the movie.

"Your laughs cute you know" Yeonjun smiled.

Soobin blushed unintentionally at the flirtatious compliment.

Yeonjun looked down at Soobin's bowl to see he had eaten the whole meal.

"I guess you were hungry after all huh?" Yeonjun chuckled.

Soobin let a small chuckle leave his lips before shutting his mouth.

He shouldn't be getting so comfortable.

This guy kidnapped him.

Yes he's drop dead gorgeous but don't let that cloud your judgement.

With that in mind once again soobin pushed the tray away from his body and curled in on himself once more.

Showing Yeonjun his defence was back up.

"I'm sure beomgyu's downstairs. Shall we go see him?" Yeonjun questioned.

Soobin lifted his head up and nodded.

Yeonjun knew the boy would feel more comfortable if he was with the other. Even though the pair didn't get along and he was even sure beomgyu disliked soobin from the exchanges he had seen in school.

Nevertheless Yeonjun hoped off the bed and opened the bedroom door, waiting for soobin to exit.



I'm back. Sorry for the extremely long wait for the people reading since the start.

I'd kind of let this book die down since other books had become popular and therefore my top priority. But since this story has recently brought in my psychopathic readers from my other story (the basement) I've decided to hop back in. So from tonight I shall bring this story back to life!

Speaking of the basement. IT JUST HIT 10K READS! What an amazing birthday gift from you guys🥰

Anygays I hope you enjoy and let's continue this journey together :)

As of right now it's 2:48am so I'm going to head to bed. I'll see you all in the morning goodnight

Until next time ❤️x

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