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Beomgyu woke in the morning ready for a new day.

He got ready for school the same as everyday. After stumbling through the house he was ready to hop out of the door and get that horrible feeling of someone following him all the way to school.

Lucky for him it only took around 15 minutes for him to walk to school once he enters the school building he feels a little safer behind these walls although the can still feel someone lurking.

He somehow made it to school on time but still took his time to head to class, he didn't want to be too early now did he.

Not like he would pay any attention in class anyways.


He spent every lesson paying no attention and at lunch his mind was occupied else where not that his friends cared to asked him why he wasn't interacting with him.

After school wound up and beomgyu stalled in the bathroom for a while before heading to detention.

Once he got there he noticed the weird kid he had become interested in these past few days he had thought about what he saw the other day every passing moment since. He thought about wether to sit with him or not. He didn't want to make it obvious to the other student if he did that would be social suicide.

Deciding he wanted to know more he walked to the back of class and subtly went and sat behind soobin.

They both felt the awkwardness of the situation but neither wanted to address it.

Beomgyu relaxed in his chair for a while before getting pushed out of thought by the teachers voice.

She spoke in a scared and nervous voice. This left beomgyu confused as to what she was so afraid of, I mean she was talking to soobin after all, nothing scary about that little bread cheeked bunny.

Placing her hand on the desk beomgyu sat up in his seat with his mouth ajar as he noticed a missing finger on the woman's hand.

Beomgyu looked over at soobin and quickly connected the dots.

Teacher has missing finger —> finger ends up in Soobin's possession —> in conclusion Soobin's stalker hates teachers :)

Okay maybe he didn't connect the dots fully but he felt he was on to something.

So he leant forwards and whispered in his ear.
"Who's willing to bet that finger landed in your gift box a few days ago?"

Soobin's eyes widened as he turned around quickly to face the voice that came from beomgyu.

"What? What are you- how would you-

"Calm down okay I'm not the fbi" beomgyu rolled his eyes at the boys stuttering mess.

"Care to explain?"

Beomgyu could see the panic rise in his face

Sighing beomgyu leaned forwards. "Okay fine but only because you seem to have gained my interest."

Soobin gave a questioning look

"I'm a let you in on little secret of mine" beomgyu smirked.

"A secret? To me? I don't understand" Soobin's confusion only worsened as beomgyu went on.

"No you're not special or anything but I can see that something weird is going on In your life and something weird is going off in mine" beomgyu explained.

"I've never told anyone this before but. Everyday I feel like I'm being watched. Even right now. It's weird and a horrible feeling to be honest. I don't know if you're being stalked but it's pretty weird that someone sent you a finger in a box and now our teacher wound up with one less on her hand"

Soobin listened to beomgyus story confusion still evident on his face as to why beomgyu is being so open.

"I feel I'm being watched sometimes too" soobin admitted.

Beomgyu nodded and thought about is next move.

"Hmm. Did maybe miss do something to you that would motivate this freak to do something?"

"Um not really. All she did was give me detention for being like 5 minutes late to class"
Soobin responded.

"That's it! She pissed this stalker of yours off by giving you detention which made you unhappy because you're a nerd who never gets detention. So they cut off her finger and gave it to you as a gift!" Beomgyu smiled as he felt proud

"How the hell is a finger a gift!!" Soobin whisper yelled.

"I don't know they are a stalker they're probably a psycho too"

"How did you figure all this out just now-?" Soobin questioned.

"I'm not just a pretty face you know" beomgyu flipped his hair.

Soobin chuckled. "You know maybe instead of not paying attention in class you could try harder I can tell you have a brain in that pretty head of ours"

Soobin's eyes widened as he realised what he said. "I didn't mean-

"Chill it's okay gosh it's only a compliment doesn't mean you love me" beomgyu laughed.

Soobin smiled to himself. He was starting to like beomgyu he was different from other people.

Once the teacher signalled for the end of detention both boys exited the school together.

"See you later nerd" beomgyu gave subtle smile before walking away in a different direction.

An uncomfortable face settling on his skin not long after as the feeling he was all too familiar with kicked in.


I'm back!

Told you I would update soon hehe

Beomgyu having a lil big brain moment hehe

What do we think of soogyu's first proper interaction??

What do you think is to come next?

Until next time ❤️x

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