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Yeonjun was always fascinated with horror movies. The way the characters always begged for mercy. The way the killer always spy on their pray and get every ounce of information they can to make sure there's so escape. He loved the sight of blood and that's why at 15 years old his mother took him to a doctor and therapist thinking he had depression when he used to cut parts of his skin with a blade for fun. But then they soon realised this was much worse. When he was alone with his therapist when asked why he did it he answered "I just like blood" with no emotion behind his words.
After telling his mother she quickly spoke to a psychiatric hospital to have him admitted.

He spent 5 years there until he got discharged by an unknown person.

When leaving the hospital he never forgot the promise he made to his mother once he was discharged.

"I promise when I get out I'll fucking kill you"

Now she thought he was just insane and he didn't mean those things but spending 5 years in there made him even crazier. He thought day and night of ways to kill his mother. And now he could finally do it.

He ran to his home as quickly as possible completely unarmed.

He bagged on the door so hard she could have sworn it was about to be broken down.

But what made her even more terrified was the sound of her sons voice being yelled from the outside.


After multiple cries and her grabbing a knife by the kitchen sink he finally broke in.

His smile turned sinister once his eyes met hers. He stepped forwards slowly playing with his target.

"Did you miss me mum?" He spoke softly yet that deadly smile still sat on his face.

"H-hunny you're unwell y-you need to g-go back" she cried while looked at the danger she brought into the world.

Yeonjun shook his head and giggled. "I don't think so" he took a final step closer until he was stood only a meter away from his mum.

"Do you remember what I told you before you had me admitted" he slowly took the knife from her hand as she stay frozen.

"Huh? Do you?"

She nodded her head slowly while a sob escaped her lips.

"What was it mother" the knife was now in his own grip.

"Y-you s-said y-you'd kill m-me" she fell to the floor in a sobbing mess.

He tout then bent down to her level.

"I thought of so many ways I could kill you while In there but now I'm here. I might as well just slit your throat." He smirked.

She shook her head and placed her hand over her eyes while whispering "this isn't real"

"Oh but it is mother. And I'm afraid your time is up" he grabbed the knife with a grip and stabbed her in the stomach.

She gasped in pain and placed her hand on her sons cheek. "I'm sorry"

He gave a weak smile that he didn't mean taking her hand off his face and standing up.

She clutched her stomach as she whimpered.

Yeonjun took this opportunity to look around the home he once lived in.

"Hmm I'm going to miss this place" he picked up a photo that was sat upon the fireplace. He looked at it and saw it was a photo of him and his mother cuddling. The photo must have been taken by his dad who left when he was only 5 years old.

His face turned angry as he smashed the frame after slamming it against the floorboards.

His mother gasped in shock her vision almost gone as her time was almost up.

He turned to face her once again. "Goodbye mum"

He walked towards the kitchen and turned on all the hobs. Then grabbed a towel and placed it over the top letting it set alight.

He placed it near the most flammable thing in the house before walking towards the door.

He sighed. "Well it was a nice home while it lasted."

After saying goodbye a final time he closed the front door and headed down the few steps by his porch.

Standing a good distance he watched as his house went up in flames. He only imagined the screams of his mother's dying burning corpse. He gave a sadistic smile before being startled by a hand on his shoulder.

"I like the way you play" Yeonjun turned around to be faced with a blonde haired boy around his age. He worn dark clothing and had a dangerous ora about him.

"And you are?" Yeonjun asked.

"Taehyun. Kang taehyun"

"And you?"

"Choi Yeonjun."


Yeonjun smiled as he thought about the memory he and taehyun met. Taehyun said killing his mother was quite the extreme and even he never did that.

Finishing his ramen and tv show 'how to get away with murder' he placed his bowl down on the coffee table. He then finally heard the front door unlock.

"Welcome home" Yeonjun yelled knowing very well it was taehyun.

"What are you still doing up?" Taehyun asked as the threw his jacket onto a chair and sat down bedside his friend.

"Why are you only just home thought that boy finished work at 10pm?" Yeonjun questioned.

"He did but got a little side tracked have you not noticed the smell of burning flesh and the blood on my clothes."

Yeonjun took a sniff letting the sent fill his nose. He hummed and then nodded his head.

"Then go wash up I'll make you some ramen" Yeonjun pat his friends back before getting up and heading to the kitchen.

About 15 minutes later taehyun was enjoying his late dinner while Yeonjun let the tv play whatever it wanted.

Yeonjuns eyes became droopy and he kept going in and out of consciousness.

Taehyun smilled at him before placing a blanket over him and kissing his forehead.

He whispered goodnight before turning the tv off and heading to bed himself.

Today was a good day.


Hello 👋

We got some insight to yeonjuns past

What's to come next?

Until next time ❤️x

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