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Beomgyu showed up to school with the same heavy feeling in his chest but the same smile on his face as he walked up to his friends who were having a mother's meeting in the hallway.

"Morning" beomgyu smiled.

"Ahh beomgyu finally you're here" hyunjin wrapped his arm around the boy.

Short greetings were said and the conversation continued.

Once the bell rang the gang eventually split up not caring all that much if they were late to class.

Entering his first class over the day beomgyu yawned as the teacher gave him a lecture on being late...like they all did everyday.

Taking a seat he placed his bag on the desk and laid his head upon it until lesson was over.


His next lesson was gym. Beomgyu both loved and hated gym.

He loved it because he was good at sport and he could show off to others. But he hated it because most students hated it and because of that they wouldn't try his competition was weak. So where is the fun in it?

Today they were playing basketball and the members of his team were awful. He tried his best to play well and stay relaxed but beomgyu hated to lose. And they were losing really hard.

He watched as a member of his team tried to make a hoop and completely missed.

Beomgyus anger rose at that time and he burst at his team mate.

"Why the fuck didn't you pass me the ball!"

"I-I-I'm sorry I-I- just wanted t-to try" the boy looked asif tears were about to spill.

Seeing this Beomgyu attempted to calm himself down.

"Ugh useless humans" he rolled his eyes as he walked away

"I-I'm g-gunna head t-to the toilets" the boy spoke quietly but beomgyu heard.

God you really are a piece of shit sometimes beomgyu. He thought to himself.

Once class was over beomgyu headed back to the locker room to get changed.

He opened his locker after taking his shirt off and a note fell out.

Beomgyu squinted confused as to who would leave a note in his locker.

He unfolded is and read it.

Beomgyu, I'd like to speak with you after school about your lack of work if you don't comply I will have to call your parents. Mrs smith.  Room 232

Beomgyu rolled his eyes. Still confused as to why his teacher would give him a note and put it in the boys locker room.

After changing beomgyu exited the changing room and walked through the halls reading the note once again.


Sighing beomgyu walked slowly down the hall at the end of the school day. He was the only student left wondering the halls and he wasn't happy about it.

Arriving at his destination he opened the door.

"Alright let's get thi-

Beomgyu stopped speaking as he looked up to see an empty classroom.

"Mrs smith?" He called out thinking maybe she was in the store cupboard.

Beomgyu rolled his eyes and turned around heading for the door whispering under his breath. "Stupid bitch wasting my time"

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