chapter 6:

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"So you talk to the stars?" Maiya asks as we are taking down our barrows to the muck heap we have created. our boots were covered in dry mud and she had streaks of brown across her left cheek. "To release stress?" She continues asking. Maybe I shouldn't have told her we just met, but she says we were close when we were younger. Do I trust her? She seems nice.
"Er yeah, I guess " I reply sheepishly. Butterflies are fluttering around inside me. I had never told anyone about the stars. Not even Ash, Braden, mum or dad. Only the horses knew and I now I guess Maiya does too. Her face lights up as a grin spreads across her freckled face.
"No way! I used to do it but now we both have someone to talk to!" I guess it will be nice to be able to get a reaction to my emotions and feelings and she could talk back to me with hers,
"You've got me and I've got Thomas!" My heart sinks. Who is Thomas? Her brother? Cousin? Boyfriend? I guess my face shows what I'm feeling as she stops and says ;
"Thomas is my boyfriend and don't worry I will never ever say anything you say to me to him!" She smiles and continues walking to the muck heap. I watch her and then follow her with my wheelbarrow.

By the time we finished manuring the field, the sun was up and Dad and Braden had begun to start repairing the indoor arena. Maiya and I are sat outside Butters stall laughing because Butter had managed to get his leg caught in the fence so we had to help him out. We talked for a while after then began tacking him up for the trail ride. Maiya had rung her dad asking if he could trailer her horse Donavan over along with his tack so she could join us going out. We planned on passing her house after the trail so we could drop her off at her own house. That way she could meet up with her boyfriend for "brunch". He wanted to meet at one, to me that's more lunch what time does he wake up? I'm not jealous, just annoyed that she wouldn't feel confident to confide in me. Maybe because we just met? I told her about the stars why can't she tell me her thoughts.

We mount at the edge of the barn and begin to walk out when suddenly a loud whiny is head from within the forest. We ignore it thinking it was just my behind neighbors because I saw a pasture on the other side when I was looking out the kitchen window. We only want to go out for around two hours as it was already eight am. That way we would be back around ten giving Maiya time to prepare for her date. Butter is wearing a light teal saddle pad and Donovan is wearing a Green one. He looks so smart. He is a black stallion just like Barten. Ash would love to meet Maiya they would get along swimmingly.
" What are you planning on doing after this?" Maiya asks
"I'll be working with Caramel and Gala with their flatwork and if I have time will be lunging Butter and then washing Carrie and butter. " I explain Braden's note.
"Sounds fun! Want to trot?" She smiles then encourages Donovan on. Then he ends up Cantering down the path. I laugh and catch up to the energetic pair. Butters canter is so smooth almost as smooth as Galas but he did trip on a stone at one point. He isn't the neatest of horses always coming in from the field looking like a whole other horse. He is bombproof though when he got his leg stuck earlier he just stood there looking straight forwards like he meant to do It. He is like the comedian of the group always making us smile. We never once regretted our decision to buy him . he has never let us down. And we thank him for that.

After a swift gallop across the fields, we slow down and walk along the riverside watching the world go by. Soon enough we end up at the gates of Maiyas house she gives me her number and I make Butter walk on. We wave goodbye until I turn the corner that revealed a large field of wildflowers and I squint my eyes and can see a horse. Tall, bay, beautiful, and gone. I blink once and they have disappeared leaving nothing but a confused Courtney. I may have just imagined them it is very hot today. Could have been like when explorers think they see water in deserts when they don't and it's just something they desire. Just like I desire a special heart horse as people call it.

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