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"Om beta. Look at this photo. She's very pretty. She is an interior designer. You both will look together" Omkara looked up at his grandmother in frustration 

How many times will he have to repeat that he isn't interested in marriage. 

Marriage and love are only for fools. 

Look at his mother. His father had destroyed her. All for love. 

His mother's love for his father and his father's love for other women. 

"Dadi. Please don't spoil my mood in the morning" Omkara said through his clenched teeth. 

"Oh my mata. How can the faces of these pretty girls spoil your mood??" His aunt Pinky asked

"Choti maa. You know I'm not interested in marriage. Stop forcing me." He said and stood up from his seat

"Rudra. I'm leaving for the office. Will you be joining me??" He asked his younger brother who was still leisurely having his breakfast enjoying his misery. 

"Ofcourse ofcourse I'm coming" he said and they bid bye to the two ladies and also to his mother who was coming down the stairs. 

She had stopped drinking after her husband's death a few months ago. And Omkara hopes like hell that she wouldn't start again. 

"Bye mom" the brothers kissed their mother on the cheek before going out of the house. 

"Shivaay bhaiyya called" Rudra said

"How's Sahil??" Omkara asked. Shivaay and Anika had gone out of town for two days to visit Sahil in his boarding school. 

"Hale and healthy. He said they would return tomorrow evening" Rudra said

"That's great"


It was four in the evening and Omkara felt the beginning of a migraine. 

He pressed his fingers against his for head and started massaging it to relieve the pain 

"Are you okay??" Came a sickeningly sweet voice and Omkara gritted his teeth seeing his PR head Rhidimma Kapoor making sheep eyes at him 

She's damn good at her work or else he would have kicked her out of his company long back. 

"You want something Ridimma??" He asked in his usual cold voice he uses with people outside his family. 

"I just came to show you the response to our new Villa project. The PR campaign we did in collaboration with the Talent Eye Ad Agency is a success. The bookings already started" Rhidimma said

"Good" he said

"Do you need something OSO?? A coffee?? Painkiller?? Or a massage??" Rhidimma asked and Omkara looked at her icily. 

"I need some peace which I'm sure I will get once you get out of my office" he said in a dangerously calm voice 

Rhidimma scrambled out of his office faster than an express jet

"I think I should just go home." Omkara mumbled to himself and stood up from his chair collecting his things. 


Omkara had taken a detour into a pocket road to avoid traffic

He stepped on the break harshly when a whirlwind of yellow came in front of his car. 

"What the hell" he cursed as he unbuckled his seat belt and came out to see a young girl standing in front of his car ,her fists clenched together and head bent down. 

"Didn't you get any other vehicle to committ suicide??" He asked angrily and the girl looked up and all breath left his lungs 

He felt a breeze skim through his skin and heard the sounds of bell ringing

He literally felt the cupid's arrow strike square at the centre of his heart. 

"Hayee. Lambe baal. Just like the hero in my serial" came the melodious voice

"What??" He asked confused

"Hayy Shankarji. It's 4.30 already. How will I reach home in half an hour." She talked looking backwards and that's when he realised they are in front of the Lord Shiva temple his dadi and choti ma usually comes to.

Ofcourse that's where the bell came from.

"You need to be somewhere in half an hour??" He asked

"Yes yes. It's very important that I reach home before 5. But it will take more than half an hour to reach my home." She said with an adorable pout.

Omkara opened his mouth to respond but she didn't let him

"It's all because of that Munnu. He hid my sandals and I only got it now" she complained.

"Uh! I can drop you home if you want" Omkara said awkwardly

"Sacchhi??" He was awarded with a heart blinding smile

"Haa" he said

"You are so kind" she said

Kind??  Him??  Omkara blinked his eyes in wonder.

"Not at all like the hero in my serial, though you both have long hair and big cars" she said happily skipping towards his car.

How can she be so naive to get into a car with a total stranger.

What if she gets trapped with the wrong people.

Omkara felt his heart stop for a moment at the thought of his sunshine girl in danger.

Omkara opened the car door for her and she looked up at him sadly

"What happened??"

"I don't know to drive a car" she said

"It's okay. You don't have to drive" Omkara said

"Then who will drive??" She asked

"Ofcourse I will"

"How will you drive sitting here" She asked pointing at the passenger seat and that's when it clicked Omkara that she thought he opened the door for himself

He chuckled and asked her to get in

"Where's your home??" He asked once he got into the car and she gave him the directions

They stopped near a housing colony.

"Thank-you so much. If you hadn't dropped me home I would have missed the retelecast of yesterday's episode. Wo kya hei na we have power cut here at the time of my serial so I couldn't watch it yesterday" with that said she got out of the car and skipped forwards and got lost in the crowd of people

Omkara cursed himself for not even asking her name


Here goes the first shot

And let me warn you Gauri is going to be too innocent that you might cringe at times.

And this story is going to extremely cliche and cheesy and what not.

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