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Omkara woke up earlier than usual and waited for the ladies to finish their morning Puja.

"Haa. Seems like someone is up so early today" Anika teased to which he rolled his eyes

"We need to plan things" Omkara said

"What is there to plan??" Pinky asked disinterestedly

"Choti maa" Omkara whined

Omkara Singh Oberoi whined ...

"Okay okay. Let's talk" Jhanvi said

"We will leave soon after breakfast. Under no circumstances you are to say Gauri and I already know each other. I did sent her a whatsapp message regarding the same. She hasn't seen it yet. But I guess she is still asleep. So ,as I was would be like ,you all saw her at the mandir and liked her. So we are taking the proposal."

"Hold on! Why should we lie?? We can say you both met at the mandir ,talked to each other and liked each other. What's wrong in it??" Anika asked

"Bhabhi..they just recently moved from their village. These things are common in cities. Not in villages. I don't know how Papa would react if he comes to know we have been in contact for all these days. What if he thinks I have been trying to spoil his daughter"

"Have you been??" Pinky asked narrowing her eyes


"Have you been trying to spoil her Om??"

"Come on chotimaa.. We just talk. Mostly about her serials or that old hag Salman Khan" Omkara said grudgingly remembering all the instances where Gauri used to gush over the fifty year old man

"Don't tell me you are jealous of Salman Khan" Anika said laughing

"Ofcourse not"

"Yeah yeah. I can see it"

"Bhabhi...focus" Omkara said

"Okay fine. We will go with your story" Dadi agreed

"And yeah. One more thing" Omkara said awkwardly


"Just...just try to make a good impression about me" Omkara said looking at the pattern of the carpet very seriously

"What??" The ladies laughed

"Come on. Her papa somehow thinks that I'm arrogant and rude" Omkara said sulkily

"Uh-oh. That you are" Jhanvi pointed out

"But I'm not rude with Gauri. I have never been and never will" Omkara said

"Aww" came the chorus from the ladies

"So everything is set. We will leave after breakfast" Omkara said excited

"No. We can't simply barge in to someone's house and ask for their daughter's hand Om" Dadi said making Omkara frown

"Leave it to us. We will manage" Dadi said


"Pinky. You have the contact number of the Pandit's house"

"Ji Mummyji" Pinky said and dialed the number

The Pandit's wife answered the call and Kalyani Singh Oberoi talked in length about how they found the perfect match for their Omkara at temple. And went in detail about the girl ,whom the other lady identified easily

The pandit's wife informed pandit about the alliance who inturn contacted Shukla ji to get more information about the family who recently moved into their city.

The pandit talked with Harshvardhan Sharma about the Oberoi family's interest shocking them

In short ,within an hour Kalyani Singh Oberoi was on call with Mr and Mrs Sharma , requesting whether they could come to their house to talk in detail

The shocked Sharmas, prompted by the infamous Roop bua ,said yes making the junior Sharma glare at her bua from behind her

"Done" Kalyani said

"Dadi. You are simply awesome" Rudra who had by the joined them along with Shivaay said

"Why do you think you dada ji was hell bent on marrying me?? Simply because I'm awesome" Kalyani said smugly

At the same moment Omkara received a message from Mr Roy ,their legal advisor and he smirked

"So we will leaving only after noon right?? I will be back from office by then"

"But I thought you would taking an off today" Jhanvi complained

"Something important came up"

"We thought Gauri is more important now" Anika said raising an eyebrow at him challengingly

"She is. And that's why I have to go to office now. There is some unfinished business to take care of" Omkara said with a smirk and Shivru understood what the business is

"We will also come with you" Shivaay said to which Omkara shrugged.


Gauri was sulking ever since they received the phone call from the Oberoi matriarch

How could her papa do this to her?

Wasn't he the one who told her that OSO is rude and arrogant?

Then how could they even think about marrying her off to this akdu OSO.

Gauri glared at her Bua who was turning her cupboard upside down searching for an outfit for her to wear today.

She couldn't even talk to Omkara ji about this.

How could she ,when Roop bua have been tagging her along ever since she came.

Only if she could give a hint to Omkara ji...he would have come to her rescue as he promised

And Omkara ji works for OSO. Maybe Omkara ji can talk to OSO ji and explain

But how to call Omkara ji.

"Gauri. You will wear this saree. It will look good on you" Roop said

She sent a pleading look at her mother who always goes silent in the presence of her intimidating sister in law

"They are big people Gauri. We can't simply refuse them and hurt their egos. Let them come and go. And if you didn't like them ,we will find some excuses" her mother whispered

"Thankyou momma. I don't want to marry OSO ji" Gauri said

"You don't have to marry anyone you don't like" Vasundhara said fondly


"Ji didi"

"Do you have some jewels that could go with the saree" Roop asked

"Haa didi"

"Good. It is a very good proposal. Something we can't even dream about. Do you have any idea who the Oberois are. Girls all over Mumbai are dying to marry one of them and they want our Gauri. Thank our lucky stars" Roop said making Gauri frown

"Why would anyone be lucky to marry a rude and arrogant man." Gauri mumbled to herself

Harshvardhan Sharma came inside the room

"They said they will be here in one hour"

"Hey Ram!! What are you waiting for girl. Go go!! Take a shower quick" Roop pushed her into the shower


So how do you think Gauri will react when she realises Omkaraji and OSO ji are the same person??

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