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As soon as he reached the office ,Omkara asked his secretary to send Sventlana in

Svetlana came in cursing Ridimma in all the colorful profanities she knew

"Goodmorning Sir" Svetlana greeted

"Good morning Svetlana. Let me get straight to the point. I want names of the three juniors in PR department who complained against Ridimma" Omkara demanded

"Yes sir" Svetlana gulped and forwarded the list to OSO

"Payal Gupta, Preetika Sharma and Aastha Kirloskar. Good. You can leave Svetlana" OSO dismissed Svetlana and summoned Ridimma after getting the contract papers from Mr Roy.

"OSO. You asked for me??" Ridimma simpered

Omkara clenched his fist to stop himself from strangling the witch for making his Gauri cry

"Take a seat Ridimma" Rudra said and Ridimma did the same

"Ms Kapoor. You are already aware of the new government tender. I want you to work for it" Omkara said

"Ofcourse OSO. Do you need to ask??"

"And you have to sign a contract. This deal is very important for the company so we are not taking any chances. You can read the contract well and can sign only if you are ready" Omkara said and passed on the contract papers to her

Ridimma frowned reading the contract

It says she have to pay a compensation of 5 crores if she leaves the work half way through. But then ,she never leaves any work half way. So that is not an issue

She will have to report to the person assigned by the Oberoi brothers. That is usual. They always keep a head for each project. Mostly Mr Mishra or Mr Mathur.

"Sure. I will sign the deal" Ridimma said

"Are you sure?? Read the contract properly. It is water tight." Omkara said

"Yeah I understand" Ridimma said and signed the contract

Omkara smirked.

Omkara picked up the intercom and called his PA.

"Send Payal Gupta ,Preetika Sharma and Aastha Kirloskar in" Omkara said and hung up

Ridimma smirked. The trio are her slaves in the dept.

The three women came in sweating profusely as Svetlana Ma'am had already informed them about OSO asking about the complaints.

Omkara passed another file towards them

"Read and sign them"

The three read the contract and stared at OSO gobsmacked

"Yes??" OSO asked

"Sir. This says we are to head the PR campaign for the government tender" Aastha said confused

"Yes. Thats what it says. Do you have a problem with that??" Omkara said

"What ?? How is that possible?? I'm the PR head" Ridimma said

"Not anymore" Omkara said relishing the look on Ridimma's face


"You will be reporting to the three ladies here." Omkara said

"They are my juniors" Ridimma thundered

"I just promoted them" Omkara said shrugging

"I refuse to do this. I'm resigning the job" Ridimma stood up

His Naive Chiraiyya - SS (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now