Chapter 15 : Call Me Seth

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She has seen beauty in people who were called ugly, and she has seen the devil in the most angelic faces.

Nora' POV -

In the big conference hall, everybody settle themselves in their seats beside the conference table.

Hans on his CEO seat with his back facing the screen, Tatiana in front of Andrew Walker, Santino next to her facing me and then the rest of the members till the table end.

I can't stop thinking about the way Hans handled the situation with Tatiana, it's constantly reminding me of the time when we went to his home in Manchester, for the very first time.

It was a beautiful sunny day, his parents Mr. Richard Peter Anderson and Mrs. Ruby Anderson were sitting in their backyard. And I was nervous as always.

When Ruby asked me to make tea, I started freaking out exactly the way I was freaking out in front of Tatiana. And Hans being the best at reading my face took the kettle from my hand and made the tea by himself the way he did this time.

He always knew I was bad at social gatherings and events but he never let anyone humiliate me. The time we spent together he never gave me a second to worry about anything, he was always there as my savior.

And I'm not very good at memorizing things but I can never forget how handsome he was looking that very day. Blue always suited him.

" Noriana. " he flutters his lips with eyes on me, and I've been staring at his face without realising. Does he know I'm thinking about him? No, that's impossible.

How strange is that, since the day I've met him here in Chicago I've never really paid particular attention to his looks. This dark grey suit over his pale skin seems like a divine combination.

He doesn't look that college boy anymore, he has grown a little stumble and it's fascinating how sweatshirts are replaced with three piece suit. He really looks like a business man that he has became.

" Noriana

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" Noriana. "

Come on who the hell is Noriana and why isn't she responding.

" Noriana! "

Wait, I'm Noriana!

" Ye- yes sir. " I flinch and blink twice or thrice, I've really lost the count, as soon as the realisation hits me and I come back to earth.

" I'd really appreciate if you would answer on the first call, could you please me pass that file. " He says giving me death glares.

" I'm sorry. " I utter while passing him the file. What the bloody hell was I thinking. I'm in between a very important conference and instead of focusing on Hans' words I'm staring at his face.

Grow up, Nora!

The lights go down, Hans stands up from his place and moves towards the screen. Holding an Ipad in his left hand he elaborates some ideas for the collaboration.

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