Chapter 45 : Pack Your Bags

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And things were back to normal except we were just friends.

Nora's POV -

It has been three months.

I am much better now but Hans doesn't let me stay away from the bed for quite long. He says I should take as much rest as I can like the doctor was not clear enough. But I'm sick of being stick to the bed all the time, except for my morning yoga deep breathing practice, and evening walks.

Oh I forgot to tell the most thing, my hair! They shaved my head before surgery. My hairs have grown a bit, but they blonde that is my natural hair color, and they're still very short.

Confession No. 38 - My love and obsession for long hairs can't be described in words.

So I use a wig, that looks exactly like the hair I had before. Hans tells me there's no need to use a wig, I look good even without it but I just can't see myself like that in mirror without getting flashbacks of when my nerves were literally having a shot circuit. A painful shot circuit.

I still need time to get comfortable with it.

But I have to say, Hans has been taking care of me like a child. He wakes up before me, and then makes breakfast for both of us. Oh heavens, he is a bloody good cook. And he sleeps after making sure I'm fast asleep.

All the time that I had worked as his assistant, I could tell he might be or maybe used to be The Male Bitch, but he never liked any leniency when it comes to his work. His company, Anderson Enterprises. He might be sleep deprived but would never have pending work.

Well, but because of my sick arse, he's been working from home. Taking care of me, making sure I get enough of his time, and then handling his company must be quite exhausting.

But I'm pretty much fine. Duh!

I have never really appreciated him, but he is really devoted towards his goals. All this time, I used to think that all the luxuries he possess is sort of a blessing from my father, Mr. Williamson.

Apparently, I was wrong.

The man has worked day and night to built everything he owns today.

And I realise, whatever that has happened in the past, it was not his fault. No one asked for his opinion, either. We both were being controlled by our fathers. The only difference was, he was aware of what was happening and I wasn't.

And that's where my overthinking arse screws up. I'm still not sure what Hans actually feels. The way he's taking care of me is a way of expressing his affection, or it's just some kind of guilt, like he feels obligated to do so.

If I recall the night, when Hans took me to Manchester, earlier that evening, he said that he loves me. But then again, my brain can't digest that either.

What have I possibly done for him to love me? I've always been a boring partner even when we were together, exact opposite of his preferences. I aborted his child. My father literally destroyed his whole family. And still he's the one taking care of me.

And, let's just not forget he paid for my surgery. That's what I believe.

Who else could have? I mean, I have never really discussed this matter with him or even Joe. I will soon, though. Just waiting for the right time. I don't want even a single penny that he has worked hard to earn. I don't deserve it. I will pay it back. Probably in EMIs. But I will.

Speaking of Josie, today she is going to look after me. Note the sarcasm.

Right now, she is in the attached balcony to this room, having a conversation with her colleague on phone probably about a case.

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