Chapter 5 : Let's Fight

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Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional.

Hans POV -

Watching you being humiliated was so much fun, Noriana Williamson.

Oh I hate this name!

But I never thought she would respond the way she did.

I can't look away the fact that she has became bold and bricky, the girl who never dared to open her mouth was standing next to me fighting for her self respect.

The confidence in her eyes and words was praise worthy, especially for someone like her, who used to have no courage to even order something for herself at a restaurant.

I like this change.

Two years back she left Manchester, thinking she would start a new chapter of her life in a different country, but she's forgetting that it's Hans Nicholas Anderson on the other side.

And that doesn't mean I even spent a minute in searching for her, try to chase after her, but now that I know she's here in Chicago, I assure her that I will make her life worse than hell in every possible way.

I'll make it my cause that she never know a moment of happiness.

She will regret every step she took, she will regret every breath she take.

It is getting impossible to explain my merriness and excitement in words.

Let's have a little more fun.

Nora's POV -

" Noriana report to my cabin, right away " the old fashioned desk phone shouts as I hold the receiver.

Oh come on I know he's gonna fire me on the very first day.

And it's perfectly fine, there's no famine of jobs, I'll find a new and better one.

I get up from my chair, and heads towards Mr. Male Bitch's cabin, presuming for the last time.

" Come in " he orders as I knock the door.

I stand quietly as I walk inside.

" Why isn't my schedule on the table? " he barks angrily.

" I had been informed that you have cancelled all your appointments for the day " I reply.

" And where's my tea? " he glares me.

" Did you ask me for one? " I respond mindlessly.


Here's a tip, never question to your boss's question.

" I'm sorry Miss Williamson it was my mistake, I didn't tell you that I want my tea on my table at sharp 2pm, it was my job to teach you your job. " he sneers being offended and I can sense the sarcasm in his tone.

" It's okay. " I reply in sarcasm as well.

And now he's giving me death glares.

Ahh I can't take this anymore! I can't pretend to be oblivious and let him torture me intentionally.

" Stop bluffing okay, if you wanna fire me then just do it! " I blurt in frustration.

He gets up from his chair and advances toward me as I take a few steps back. An evil smile plays on his lips as he stands in my personal space. So close that I can hear his breathing. He slowly bend down as I lean backwards and I realise there aren't any space left. He places his hands both sides of me, pinning against the wall and it gets my breath hitch for a moment.

" And what made you think I would fire you " he mutters in my ear.

" Because I misbehaved with your wife " I deliberately emphasize the 'W' word not breaking the eye contact.

" Oh you don't need to feel sorry for that, love. " his lips lifts upright.

" I'm not Sorry " I hiss and put my hand on his chest trying to push him away.

But he's strong enough.

" Because there is much more you would like to be sorry for, and even if you don't, I'll make sure you do. " he snaps banging his hand on the wall.

So finally he has also decided to open up about the past but he's the biggest dumbass if he thinks he can threaten me with his wide eyes and harsh words.

" Still living in your own world Mr. Anderson? If you think your words can scare me, you're wrong! " I apprise with a small side smile.

" Oh love, Don't you know the two rules of my office... Rule no. 1 - Boss is always right- " but I cut him off " I don't really think so! "

" Rule No. 2- If you have any doubt, re-read rule no. 1 " he adds and finally unpins me off the wall, fixes his jacket and sits back on his chair.

" Fine, then I'm gonna resign " I grunt.

" Ahem " he cleans his throat while leaning his back on the chair in a bossy manner," It will be a great pleasure for me to never have to see your face again but I guess, you wouldn't want to do it, I mean after bidding goodbye to this company, you would try to find another job, and what made you think I would not make sure you don't get one " he asserts.

Okay so he's gonna torture me, but he won't fire me and he won't let me resign.

" And then you won't get the essentials slash money to achieve your so-called goals " he mimics the earlier me.

Male Bitch !!!

" Now stop cursing me silently sweetheart, go to your work, I'm not obligated to pay you for standing here gossiping with me. " he says without bothering to glance at me.

Oh heavens, why me?

Fine! He wants to fight, let's do it!


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