Chapter 40 : That Night

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❁ What exactly happened that night? ❁

29 March, 2018.

Author's POV -

The clock hit eleven. It was an ordinary night in Manchester. The building, more like a giant 7 star complex, of W&Aco. was mostly empty except for the Managing Director's cabin, i.e. Hans'. He was working till late, as usual.

It had been just a month and 14 days since he got married. But instead of giving his time to his beautiful wife, Noriana, he spent most of the nights in the office.

Nothing personal, it was just way too much work to waste even a second of his day and night.

“ Um, someone looks quite busy? ” a girl knocked on the door and he forgot to breathe for a second. It was his ex-girlfriend Rebecca White. With whom he had broken up a while ago, and she still didn't know the exact reason why.

Obviously, he was ceased to never disclose about the contract between David Williamson and his father, Richard Anderson. Hans didn't even invite her to his wedding.

But there she was, standing on the door frame of his sparkling office cabin.

“ Rebe, hey, come on in. ” he shrugged casually. She was holding two cups of coffee. Not to mention, Hans' favorite Iced latte.

“ You look surprised. ” she scoffed as if they were good friends. No grudges. No bad blood. But he had rightful reasons to be surprised. Why was she here? He just couldn't get this question out of his head.

“ I wasn't quite expecting you here. Not at this hour. ”

“ Come on, Hans. Don't act innocent. I honestly came here to throw his coffee right on your face. How dare you didn't invite me in your wedding? ” she taunted while taking a seat in front of him.

He went dumbfounded. He didn't invite her because what else was he supposed to do? Invite his ex-girlfriend, still unknown why they broke up, to his wedding?

“ Aye, don't worry. I changed my mind. Now you can drink it. ” she passed him the cup. Although, he still was hesitant.

“ Hans, I'm not here to cause a scene and cry dramatically, if that's what you think of me. You've moved on and I need to understand that and I'm 80% there, by the way. ” she chuckled and held his hand, “ I'm happy that you're happy. I just want my friend back. ”

Perhaps, she was finally over him, he told himself. To be honest, he was beyond happy. His wife, Noriana, was a nice person and she made him really happy. But somehow she always reminded him of how he broke the heart of an innocent girl, Rebecca.

That night, the laughs that Hans and Rebe shared, reduced some weight from Hans' baggage of guilt. “ And since you didn't invite me to your wedding. You owe me a bigger party, you rogue. ”

“ Fair enough. ” he giggled. “ But for now, let's raise a toast with these coffee cups. ”

Not even five minutes had passed when Hans started to feel dizzy and sub-conscious. Rebecca drugged his coffee. He didn't pass out but he wasn't conscious either.

“ Hans, Hans, listen to me. ” she patted his cheeks multiple times to make sure he was awake. After confirmation, she hugged him tightly like a kid hugs its long lost teddy.

She was there for the closure she never got from Hans, although she demanded many times. But she knew someone was forcing him. No way Hans could marry that stupid rich girl.

Rebecca couldn't even remember her name. Everyone in college used to call Nora, the Snob Bibliophile, Marchioness, and sometimes even The Rich Daughter.

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