Dear Diary - 10

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15 February, 2018
( Two and half years ago.)

Dear Diary,

Good Morning. Let me officially introduce myself to you. Hello, I'm Noriana Anderson. I got married. Yayyyyyyy.

And you won't believe who came to our wedding. Mr. Williamson!!! I reckoned he won't come. But he did. And not to revolt against but to give us his blessings and to escort me down the aisle.

I was in my dressing room when Mr. Williamson came in. He smiled at me and said something that he had never said to me before. He said that no matter what I'm his only daughter and he loves me. Everything that he did, and doing is for me only.

I don't know what he exactly meant when he said everything he's doing is for my wellfare. I mean what is he doing?

If he was talking about his second marriage. I can never forgive him for betraying my mother like that and all the years I spent without his love. But I also don't want to hold on to the grudges when he is trying to sort things out.

I'm so happy. It feels like I've achieved everything I ever wanted. Hans as my life partner. My father and I finally shared a moment of happiness. We were not fighting nor holding grudges.

He was being happy in my happiness.

I have got to admit, Hans is my lucky charm. Since the moment he has entered in my life. My life changed drastically, in a positive way, of course.

Speaking of Hans, guess what? I have finally become a woman. My wedding night was beautiful. Hans and I have been together for more than a year but I promised myself that I won't let any man cross the boundary before marriage.

Typical me, I know.

And honestly, I'm quite nervous. I don't know how to act like a wife. I mean, all the jobs a wife does. You know, Hans is a better cook than me. But I'll try to make breakfast today.

Bugger me. He's up. Gotta go. Bye Diary.

Love Noriana.


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