Chapter 38 : Waited For You

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The old adage that ‘there are two sides to every story’ is not true. There is a story for every storyteller.

Nora's POV -

No matter how much I try to deny this, but I felt so good visiting church after eleven years. Sometimes, I can't even understand my own mood swings.

I didn't pick up my diary since that very night, almost three years ago. But suddenly today I picked it up. I wanted to read all the crazy things I've ever written in this.

The sky never looked so dark and peaceful. Under the glittery moonlight, on the terrace, I take a sigh after reading all the silly things I had written.

Walking over to the railing, I rest my arms on it. I've never had a happy childhood. On every other page I'd mentioned how sad I was. Until I met Hans.

He really changed my perspective towards life. I always used to cry on the bad things, he taught me how to focus on the bright side. Yes, I've cursed him more than I've asked for blessings for myself.

But I'll never regret meeting him. I had an amazing time and experience with him. We might have fallen off. But he made my life special at a certain time. We grew together, even if we grew apart.

The smile that was plastered on my face without my realisation, disturbed by someone. What the hell is Seth doing in Hans' house, on this terrace?

“ Seth! ” I shouted and he covered my mouth with his hand, hurtfully. Pushing me towards the corner, he sticks my back to the wall. “ How dare you cheat on me? ”

“ Cheat!? Who said we were dating? ” I grunt when he removes his hand from my mouth and grabs my arms. Not even Hans has ever held my arms this tightly that they'd get bruised.

“ Nora, you don't know who I am. We both know that you were with me because of your own greed. I believe in give and take. I'm willing to give you those fucking documents, just give me what I want. ”

“ Look, Seth, I know, I'm sorry. I was trying to be friends with you because of some reasons, but I maintained my limits. I never promised you anything. Be a man and accept whatever you're doing is wrong! ”

“ You doubt my manliness? ” he cocks a brow and my heart is now officially in my mouth. He looks extremely furious that he's acting insane. He has lost even that tiny speck of conscience left in him.

I try to push him away with all my guts but he has pinned both my hands on the wall. I twat him. Smash his foot with my heel. But he doesn't seem to bulge.

Instead, he brings his mouth closer to mine, so I strike my head with him in attempt to save my dignity. No use, it only returns me more pain.

You bloody bald head!

“ You wanted to see my manliness, didn't you? ”

There's no way I can stop him. I've never felt this helpless in life, ever. I close my eyes as though they would bury inside my sockets.

He kisses me.

A drop of tear rolls down my right cheek. My dignity was all I had left. I've always fought for it. I even left the person I loved the most, just for the sake of my dignity. And today, I've nothing left.

It might be just a kiss. But for me, it is a certificate that I can't protect myself. It proves I'm weak. It shattered my faith in myself.

As I come to my senses, I realise my hands are no longer being held forcefully. My eyes are still closed and his lips are still intertwined with mine. But with all the honesty, I feel as if I've kissed these lips a million times before.

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