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        LAYING IN BED I didn't worry about waking up early to go to the sandlot. Because of what happened yesterday, I'm keeping my distance from Benny. Jeez I'm such a clown...

There was knocking on my door. My mom had answered it, revealing Maisys voice. I could already imagine Maisy still making me go to the sandlot.

"Come on, Nat." She says sitting on my bed trying to wake me up.

        I groaned, keeping my eyes closed, "I'm not going."

        She huffed in anger, "Fine, you have every right not to go." I smiled into my pillow, hiding it from Maisy.

        "Well, I'm leaving. Sorry, Nat, by the way." Bertram said awkwardly.

        I ended up waking up. Sitting up I respond, "It's okay, it happens I guess." I grinned at Bertram. My sister and Bertram then left the house.

       "So, what do you wanna do? Just hang out?" Maisy says getting comfortable on my bed after I got finished ready. I stayed in the lifeguard shorts and oversized shirt I slept in but only brushed my teeth.

I shrugged sitting next to her, "Sure."

"Did you even get his phone number?" She asks. I knew this conversation was going to be about Benny.

I shook my head playing with my fingers, avoiding eye contact with her, "No." I say quietly.

       She also seemed disappointed, "I mean, he isn't gonna want the phone number of the girl he's using, huh?" She joked, making me laugh. I knew she was joking, and the only way to cope is many making jokes.

I smiled trying not to laugh at what she said. My smile then faded away when I said, "It's like Joseph all over again."

Maisy frowned, I felt her eyes on me. "Yeah, that's what I thought too." She sighed shakily. "Hey, how bout we watch a movie or something, I don't really like this miserable energy." Maisy never fails to make me feel better.

Excited yelling came from outside, me and Maisy jumped and looked out my window. It was Bennys family, they were hugging this one dude.

"Oh my God..." Maisy mumbled, her eyes glued on the boy in shock.

"What? What is it?" I say trying to get a better look by squinting my eyes. The kid looked like the age of Bennys sister but a bit older, and I could only see his back profile.

"Oh my- That's Benny's brother, Sebastian. He came back from college"

"Okay? What's the big deal?" I say studying Maisys reaction.

"He's just like Joseph, attitude and everything. He's extremely narcissist also. Once, when he came to play with us at the sandlot, he asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up, after I said I didn't know, he began trash talking me. I don't get how Benny loves him so much."

Jeez, thats such a story. Maybe she was being dramatic.

"Anyway, let's go to the living room, I'll get the movie ready." I hoped out of my bed ignoring the weird convo I just had.

      We ended up binge watching the Maze Runner. After a few hours, Bertram ran to the house knocking aggressively on the door. I got up to answer it, Cynthia and him were panting heavily.

     "Jeez, what's wrong?" I ask as they were out of breath.

      "Smalls threw a signed ball over Mr. Mertles fence." He said walking inside the house

teenage dirtbag. ⎯ benny r.Where stories live. Discover now