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        WAKING UP WITH an unusual mood, I felt like taking a shower first thing in the morning. I guess you feel this happy when you first get a boyfriend. I put my music on, got my straightener ready, gathered all the good smelling perfumes and lotions, and picked a nice outfit.

        After showering and putting my outfit on, I was in the bathroom straightening my hair when someone knocked at the front door

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        After showering and putting my outfit on, I was in the bathroom straightening my hair when someone knocked at the front door.

        Hearing footsteps coming towards me in the hallway, I knew someone came for me.

        "Nat, Benny's here." Cynthia said on the other side of the bathroom door.

        A smile plastering on my face, I stared at myself in the mirror, looking like an idiot, "He can wait in my room." I say loud enough for them to hear through the door.

        "Whatcha doin' in there Nat?" I heard Bertram suddenly say.

        I rolled my eyes, trying to continue the conversation without burning myself.

        "Just getting ready." I respond.

        "Mhm, for Benny." Then I heard Maisy say with a teasing tone. Benny's soft chuckle made my stomach flutter.

        I chuckled nervously, "Just go wait in my room."

        After straightening my hair into perfection, I cleaned up all my mess and went to my room, where Benny and my friends waited.

        "Okay, I'm ready."

Benny stood up from my bed, walked towards me, and wrapped his hands around my waist and kissed my cheek repeatedly, me giggling alongside.

         "Hey let me join." Maisy teased. Benny then separated himself from me. Maisy came up to me and hugged me for a pretty long time.

"Nat you have many options." Bertram teased standing up from my bed getting ready to leave.

Chuckling, trying to move on, I say, "Okay, let's get going now." I separated myself from Maisy and left my room to put my shoes on.

       Maisy stopped in the doorway of my room as we left, "Uh, I'll be there in a bit." Her eyes shifted from her phone to us.

        I didn't think any of it, "Yeah, sure."

       Bertram walked next to me, leaned closer to me and said, "She's been texting a lot lately, do you think she met someone?"

      I shrugged, "I don't know, but if she is, don't be all up in her business."

      He looked worried and concerned for his twin sister, he sighed shakily, "Yeah, I know."

       "Let's make sure it's not a old guy." Benny said making us laugh.

        As if on cue, I heard my door open.

teenage dirtbag. ⎯ benny r.Where stories live. Discover now