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Continued from previous chapter...
Maisy wasn't the only one swooning over the lifeguard, the boys were all huddled up together facing the blonde.

"Oh man..." Benny seemed lost as he stared at her. He was lost in the clouds...
"Yeah-Yeah to cool."
"She don't know what she's doing."
"She don't know what she's doing."
"Yeah she does, she knows exactly what she's doing."

Wow, I never thought that the boys, especially Benny, would swoon this much over someone. Maisy was matching the boys energy. I was so confused looking at everyone's lost faces.

"I've swam here every summer of my adult life." Squints took of his glasses and began rubbing them. Jeez, adult life? What are these kids on?

"Every summer, there she is, lotioning, oiling, oiling, lotioning...smiling... smiling..." Oh gosh, Squints was getting hypnotized or something.

The kid finally snapped, "I can't take this no more, move!" He struggled making his way to the closest plank. The boys broke eye contact with the girl, and instead they focused on Squints.

"What the hell? Is he okay?" I ask watching Squints mumble things as he swam away from us.
"What's wrong with him?" Smalls asks. We stared at every movement Squints did.
"What's he doing?"
"Three summers of this I think he finally snapped."
All of us waited to see what Squints was going to do.
Squints slowly walked on the plank, shaking and shivering. He seemed as if he was scared but confident at the same time.
"I don't know, but that's the deep end and Squints can't swim!" Yeah-Yeah exclaimed trying to stop his best friend from jumping. Squints took of his glasses, waved at the girl, and jumped into the water. 
"No!" The boys swam as fast as they could to Squints. Me and Maisy had no idea what was happening, it all showed in our faces. I followed them and just went with the flow.

We were now in front of a big crowd that stood around Squints. He laid there with his eyes closed. It hit me what he was trying to do, kiss the girl. His eyelids were slightly moving, so it was obvious he was awake and knew what he was doing. Everyone was worried for him, but I stood there with a feeling knowing he was going to kiss her. I couldn't contain my laugh, of course I didn't laugh out loud, I just covered my mouth as I smiled.

In the middle of having CPR, Squints opened his eyes and smiled, showing his big gums.
"What?" The boys saying in disbelief, knowing they were fooled. Wendy Peffercorn went back in to doing mouth to mouth. Squints put his hands in the back of her head and pushed her lips with his.

She separated herself then shrieked, "Little pervert!"
She dragged Squints off the floor then onto his feet, she then walked to the exit of the pool pulling Squints with her. We all ran after them, the boys tried to speak with him. There were people running behind us also.

"And stay out!" She said throwing Squints on the grass. We all left the pool and went to our houses. The walk home, we couldn't stop laughing. Squints walked a little taller that day, we all looked up to him.

We all were walking back to our homes after being kicked out of the pool. Squints did something all of us wanted to do. He looked proud in himself, he couldn't stop smiling.

The walk back home was loud and energetic. I walked with Bertram. Nat and Me are good now, thank God. She's scary.
"Ok, so she likes, old music, crystals, plants, and Harry Potter." Bertram whispered as we walked side by side. I almost forgot that I was still doing the offer Philips came up with.
"So you're saying she's technically a witch, and I have to watch people killing each other with wands?" I say back.
Bertram laughed, catching Nats attention, I elbowed him as hard as I could. She turned back around, thankfully she didn't suspect anything.
"Oh, sorry. She said herself that she isn't a witch." He assured.

teenage dirtbag. ⎯ benny r.Where stories live. Discover now