The heat of the moment

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- Alex's P.O.V. -
I never really liked wine, only on special occasions, and in small amounts. And I preferred red wine. I grin as I take a sip of it, as just not to be ride. Grin and bear it, as I did a lot of unpleasant things. The liquid slides easy down my throat as I set it back down and take a sip of water rid my mouth of the bitter taste.

A waitress takes our orders, as we all settle down into lively chat. The evening slips by as food is consumed, drinks emptied, and a joyous mood settles in on the table.

Lewis stands tapping his glass with his fork, silencing the table, with all eyes turned on him he begins to talk.

"As all of you know, Hannah and I have been dating for awhile."
Was he about to ask Hannah's hand in marriage? My thoughts race as He sets his glass down and gets down on one knee next to Hannah. Her eyes were glistening with tears and her hands covered her mouth and nose. A small black, velvet box is pulled from one of his pockets and he opens it to show a silver ring, that had a sparkling diamonds encrusted on the top. She's now crying silently as he again begins to speak. "Hannah you are the love of my life, and you always have been my sun, giving me such happiness that I know I could not go on without you, so will you do the honors of becoming my wife?" He was tense as she pauses for a second to draw a breath. "Yes! Of course Lewis, I will marry you!" She draws him back up to his feet before kissing him. He slides the ring on as we begin to clap. Kim and Eve let out an 'awww' and turps lets out a ear piercing whistle.

"They finally did it." Sips comments, as everyone begins to talk a once. Congratulations flying, and the party began to disband and pay before leaving. The girls were happily chatting about the ring, wedding plans, flowers and dresses. I groan. Eve was not going to be happy that I was taking her away from her girl talk. I tap on her shoulder and her blue eyes meet mine. My face burns as I talk quickly "it's getting late, we should probably get going." Why was I so embarrassed? It was just a girl. But she was- ugh I don't even know what she was anymore.

She loops her arm around mine as we leave, the darkness very imposing in this part of town. "That was fun!" She chirps, her head resting on my upper arm. "Yea, it was quite enjoyable."

I open her car door before getting in myself, and speeding away towards her apartment. It had begun to rain, large fat droplets pounding my little car. Lightning streaked across the sky creating day during the night for a split second. Thunder roared, and I felt eve tense up next to me. "You don't like storms?" I ask, my eyes glued to the road. It was only a few more blocks until we came up to her apartment. "No, i hate the-"She answers as we pull up to the building and another load crack of lighting streaks across the sky. I throw my coat off and use it as an umbrella for her, as we run into the building. Panting and soaking wet, we walk the three flights of stairs. Her whole body was tense and rigid with fear. Another bout of lighting and thunder shook the window paines, and the lights dim for a second, holding on, before quietly bathing us in darkness. Her arms didn't leave mine as I slid my shoes off. Hers dropped to the floor along with her purse with a loud thump.

"No streetlights, I don't want to be out on the streets, at least until the storm passes." I mutter. A load roar of unexpected thunder causes eve to scream, and grab fistfuls of my shirt, tightly warping her arms around my chest, a sob escapeing her mouth.

Holy shit she was seriously scared. "Shhh, it's okay I've got you." I wrap my arms around her, trying not to overstep my boundaries.

- Eves P.O.V.-
Storms scared me. Always have. My face was burning when I wrapped my arms I fear around the nearest item, which turned out to be Alex. Thank god, for once, the power was out. His long arms wrap around my tiny frame, as he whispers comforting words in my ear. My emotions were running wild as I fight back tears. Another load burst of thunder causes a sob to escape my lips. Warm arms pick me up and bring me over to sit on the couch. "I'll be right back, I am going to ask the landlord to try to flip the breaker, or to see if that's all it is." He says as his slightly outlined silhouette begins to turn. Panic overflows as I lunge for his arm, catching it my cold fingers clutching onto the expensive fabric. "No! Please stay, don't l-l-leave me!" I sob. God I was acting so childish, I thought as sobs caught my breath. He quickly scoops me up sitting next to me, and pulling my wet body close to his. Warmth radiates from him, thawing my freezing body. My sobs are silenced after some time, the rain and wind howl, pounding the building.

I was aware of his body, the way his skin touching mine, even through a soaked shirt, made it tingly, like bolts of lightning shooting around my body. I shift to sit up and my hands find his shirt collar, and the green tie.
"Ev-" he asks, but is cut short as my hands cup the back of his neck, pulling his lips down to meet my eager ones.

I pull back, waiting for his reaction, knowing fully I had crossed a line now. He lets out a small sigh, before leaning down to rest his forehead on mine. His hands travel lightly, his fingertips trailing down my sides, exploring before stopping to rest on the small of my back, before reaching up to weave one of his hands in my hair. His gentle push brought our lips back together as he pulled my body towards his lap, forcing me to straddle him.

His beard felt good, my fingertips brushing the stubble before tangling in his silky soft brown locks. His tongue runs along my bottom lip, asking. I answer as I open my lips to his tounge, our breathing ragged, as our lips said what our voices couldn't put in words. He tasted sweet, like whiskey and honey, with the crispness of rainwater. It reminded me of summers in Russia, with the meadow at the edge of the village. He pulls away, catching his breath, I smile. One of my true smiles. I can also make out his cheeky grinch the pitch black darkness and the crisp sky blue eyes of his. I let out a satisfied sigh as he kisses me on the nose. I let out a small giggle, as I climb off him, walking to my bed yawning. I unzip my dress, letting it hit the floor before pulling on a oversized t-shirt. Alex stood in the doorway, watching me hungerly. I take his hand, and pull him into the bedroom, before digging through my drawer to find one of my old boyfriends t-shirts that I stole. He was a bit taller, but men's clothing is always easier for sizes. He pulls off his wet dress shirt and undershirt, before his pants and slipping on the shirt.

It also gave me the great opportunity to admire his body. I rake my eyes over his boxer clad ass, and watch as his shoulders flex to strip his shirt off. I bite my lip as a blush creeps up my neck, heating my face. I drop my gaze as he pulls the light gray shirt down over his stomach. His red plaid boxers curved perfectly to show him off as he strutted over to me crawling onto the bed, before pulling me under the duvet.

"It's rude to stare you know." He whispers in my ear as his arms wrap around my waist pulling me into the curve of his warm body. "I know, but I just couldn't resist the temptation." I flirt. He buries his head in the crook of my neck leavening a kiss before whispering a goodnight. Sleep found me quickly, and thankfully a dreamless one at that. Or so I thought.

- Alex's P.O.V. -
It felt good to finally drift into sleep. It felt even better after such a good night. That make out session, her taste, the smooth feel of her silky lips, the way when her skin brush up against, sending warmth and a studder of my heart all round my body. It was all permanently edged into my memory. She smelled lightly of rose, and fresh rainwater as I kissed her soft skin, in the crook of her neck. I smile softly, my dreams full of simple things I wanted to do with her. A walk in the park, was the longest and most vivid dream.
It was pleasant, an easy talk full of laughter, and smiles. She laughed, her eyes bright.
My dream came to a sudden end when a hand whacked me in the chest.

My eyes fly open as eve twists and cries out in her sleep, sweat beading her forehead. I tightly wrap my arms around her thrashing body, as she mutters things only the gods could understand. They definitely weren't in any language I could place. "Wake up! It's just a nightmare." I cooed. She doesn't wake up, but stops moving for a few seconds, before arching her back and waking up with a blood curdling scream.

Woo! I'm back! And holy shit! 500 reads! You guys are awesome!!!! Love ya pups! New chapters are being written as you read.

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