Smooth like glass - 5

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-Eve's P.OV.-
I wake up to Ross shaking my shoulder, telling me to get and that I had half an hour to get ready. I fly out of bed grabbing a towel, And clothing forgetting that I was just in my underwear. He has his eyes covered with his hairy arms as I sprint to the bathroom, taking a record breaking shower, dressing in my photo clothing, with a ghast beanie and a dark coat.

I barely catch up with Ross as he was starting to back up. I slam into his car, scarring the living shit out of him as I slide in. I jam my bag by me feet as we get going.

We arrive at the towers, Ross barely parking before I am bolting up into my office, to grab the flash drive. I check that everything is there, make some polishing touches, as I save and re upload, as I head over to the hat films office and stop as the red light flashes, signaling that they were recording. I sigh, and return to my office.

I grab tape and rip a price of paper off of my notebook, scrawling a note I grab the scotch tape as I silently tape the note on the glass and the flash drive making sure to be silent but to cover it in long strips of tape so it would stay.

I retreat to the safety of my office as I sigh, it would be a few hours before they would be done, and I was hungry. I grab my bag as I head out to find one of my favorite breakfast item: Popovers.

With maple butter.

I walk a few blocks before I come across a small bakery/ cafe. I walk in grateful for the warmth, I look about in the windows to see a big basket full, still steaming. I buy three with some cinnamon sugar butter. I head back to the office to enjoy my early mourning treat.

They were still hot when I leaned back and took a bite out of my first, and savored in the delicious sweet, hot bread. My eyes fly open when I hear my paper bag crinkle. I quickly stand to grab the robbers arm. It turned out to be Alex. "Hey!" I yell. He laughs as he takes a bite. "That's mine!"

"Nice note. We'll check out the footage and see how you did." He strolls out with an argonaut stride. "You owe me five pounds!" I yell at him. I huff as I finish my breakfast. I walk about cleaning up my office, and sadly there wasn't much to clean.

By the time I am done fifteen minutes has passed and I decide to start a new project animating, the three of them doing what they do best: Destroying things.

Most of the day passes before I get a text from Ross

R- hey come to our office.

E- okay.

I get up and hastily make my way to the door. I pause, afraid of what I might of have missed or done wrong. I loses my shoulders and set my face, as I step in front of the door I open it, taking stride. All three of them sat on the sofa looking at me stony faced, I step in front of them place my feet together and my hands behind my back, I glance each one of them in the eye, not blinking.

I look around observing. I felt like shit. I screwed up. Suddenly they burst out laughing.

All three of the bastards were laughing at me. On their stupid grey curvy couch. With the idiotic green wall.
Anger boiled in me. This was not anger, this was fury.
"You ass hats!" I yell.
"You don't mess with people like that! Laughing at me like that! It's humiliating!"
I've been pushed around like a little sheep all my life and beaten down.
I was punched and kicked around as a child in the orphanage. My life was getting better, an I wasn't going to be beat down anymore, laughed at or the weak link. I was going to do better things in life.

They stopped laughing at me.
"Eve, we weren't trying to be mean, it was just a joke." Trott says.
I turn to give him an icy glare.
"Well, Chris, making someone who tried their best, feel like what they did, was an utter failure, it hurts, especially on the second day of the job, when I don't know jack shit, about this place, and I am still a new pup learning. You will revive hell if you ever try something like this again."

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