Some things brits should keep to themselves.

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-Eves P.O.V.-
I wake up feeling like a bomb went off in my head. My stomach was turning and I could barely sit up without nearly upchucking because I was so dizzy. This wasn't any old hangover, because I've had too many to count. Ross was already gone and I realize it's nine am.
Shit I was late. I force myself out of bed, not carring that i was dressing in whatever I found. It turned out to be a pair of jeans and a black hoodie over my bra. I don't bother to eat anything because I know exactly what would happen if I ate anything right now.

I take a few aspirin, and put on my black aviators. Today I was going to look like a drug dealer. I find my old trainers, also black, and grab my bag before walking to work.

It was tourture. A few people asked if I was alright when I stumbled, but I waved them off. I am sure they thought I was tripping balls. After an hour or so of this I finally arrive at the offices.

"Oh dear god, I have made it" I whisper as I stumble into the lobby and fall to the floor in front of the bin, and heave.
I whipe my mouth with the back of my selvage as I get onto the lift, and for once I was grateful for close office.

The sunlight that I normally liked, shone in brightly and I groan inwardly, as I feverishly closed the blinds. My breath was coming in quick, rapid gasps as I sit in my chair, coughing my lungs out as three voices violate my ears, causing my head to pound, like a jack hammer.

"You alright- shit!" trott says, as I grab the bin and empty the contains of my stomach, or what was left, into it. My nose and mouth burned. A hand was sweeping my hair out if my face, and resting on my fourhead. "Mate your burning up!" Alex says.

I dry heave for a few minutes before I can finally force myself to stop. My glasses fall off as I look up into three pairs of concerned eyes. "I am?" I ask as I shiver. Ross looks legitimately worried, as I sigh and lean my head back on my chair. A set of arms lifts me up and I don't even have the strength to protest that I could walk.

I doubt I could though. My eyes wander off into the distance as I am taken into the trios office. Who ever was carrying me, Ross or Alex, I presume, pull me into their lap as I curl up into a tiny ball of misery.

"Who's gonna take her home?" Alex ask his voice incredibly load as he turned out to be the one holding the dark and sickly me. Ross huffs. "I can't because I have a dentist appointment in half an hour" he explains. Trott puts his hands up. "I am just getting over Katie and me being sick, I am not dealing with another sick person." I can tell that Alex was a bit nervous, as his whole body tensed up. "I guess that leaves me." He looks down. "I've barely ever taken care of a sick person so please don't puke on me." he whispers as he slides me over to lay on the couch. I still didn't shift, as I was quite cold and was trying to preserve my body heat.

- Alex's P.O.V. -
I had siblings but we never got sick. Strong immune systems. I felt horrible myself but hid it from the guys, as I needed to take care of the even sicker eve, who seemed to be feverish, as she huddled on the couch. I grab her bag too, slinging it over my other shoulder a I help her walk down the hallway to the lift. She leans on me like the leaning tower of pisa, as we slowly but surely make our way to my small blue car. Quietly I start it, but the radio was turned all the way up like I usually had it and he moans slumping down in her seat. She looked like death.

"Almost there, just a little bit longer." I mutter under my breath as I pull into the parking lot. I was feeling tired, as I lifted her for a second time in two days out of the car. She seems comatose as I take the key from her fumbling hand, and unlock the door to the flat. I place her on the couch before dropping the bags and my shoes by the door. I do the same wit her shoes as I wander into her room and pull the blankets off her bed, returning to bundle her up. I turn to leave as she calls out, "will you stay?" her body half in and out of the blankets.

I nod as I sit down scooting over to the far edge of the couch. She turns the tv on, flipping through the channels until we find a marathon of Star Trek on. Even all stretched out she didn't touch me. After a few episodes, I glance over to see her still very violently shivering.

She was watching me too, before shifting over and covering both of us under the blankets. "Uh-" I start, before I am interrupted by a hand covering my mouth.
"Your sick with me, and your warm so shut up." She mutters as she lays her head on my chest.

"And," she starts again, "I kinda like you, and we shared a drunk kiss, and." She falls silent as more drama unfolds in the episode. She remembers the kiss? I wrap my arms around her small frame, sighing in content. She falls asleep soon, and my head begins to bob as it slowly becomes harder and harder to stay awake. I begin to drift off when I hear the keys in the door and Ross yell
"What the hell?!?"

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