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Jaemin entered a coffee shop, as a way he usually started off his day.

The aroma of the coffee grounds inside the place made him smile as he sniffed the air. It was possibly one of his favorite smells considering that it was from one of his favorite drinks.

Jaemin stepped into the line behind people who patiently waited to order. Since Jaemin was a regular, most wouldn't question him with his order.

As he approached the counter, an unfamiliar girl looked up at him with a bright smile on her face.

"Hello sir! What would you like to order?" She asked him enthusiastically, a smile forming on his face from her bright attitude.

Realizing she was probably new, he was about to begin ordering until a voice called out to her.

"He's a regular. We know his order." Another girl said from beside, a monotonous tone emitting from her lips. She went next to the girl at the register, tapping on the screen and suddenly left to begin making his order.

"Um.. 4000 won." The shy girl awkwardly said and Jaemin handed her some cash, fingers touching slightly at the interaction.

He stood nearby the area where orders were given and watched as the quite bored girl made his coffee. His mind began to wander, knowing she wasn't the one to make coffees for him. As a matter of fact, he didn't even know her name, even though he was constantly at the coffee shop and saw her quite often.

His thoughts were cut off at a sudden nudge to his left.

"I may not know you but seeing as how you're not paying attention and that girl over there is staring at you while calling out 'Na Jaemin', I would say that order is for you." A middle aged man told him and Jaemin perked his head up, facing the girl who held an expressionless face but annoyance being evident through her eyes.

"For the tenth time, can Na Jaemin come get his order?" The girl said and Jaemin immediately made his way over to her, grabbing the cup of coffee from her with an awkward smile.

"Sorry. Got a little distracted for a second." He told the girl as a way to apologize for ignoring her and she simply hummed as she handed him his coffee, fingers touching his as she did so.

"See you tomorrow morning." Were her last words to him before getting back to making orders for other customers who patiently waited for their drinks.

Jaemin exited the store, taking a mere few steps as he drank his coffee, the bitter taste making his tastebuds tingle with excitement.

A delighted sigh escaped his lips after the taste, enjoying it so much.

As he continued walking the path he usually did every morning, a sudden sting of pain devoured his head and he winced, feeling a similar feeling on his neck.

Jaemin stumbled a bit from the sensations, almost dropping his coffee but thankfully held it firmly enough for it to not spill. His hands traveled up to his head, rubbing the areas where he felt pain as a way to soothe them. Passerby's watched him, a little bit hesitant to help the boy who was clearly hurt.

Suddenly, the pain stopped and he felt normal once again.

Confusion coursed through his body at what just happened but he decided to brush it off, continuing about his day and not paying much mind to the event that happened so suddenly.

At the coffee shop where Jaemin ordered, a girl felt the same sharp pain that Jaemin did.

An excruciating headache caused her to stumble and a sharp sting on the side of her neck made her hiss.

Her coworkers looked at her, confused with the sudden actions that she made. One began walking to her, attempting to help but her head suddenly stopped hurting and she faced everyone who stared at her with a worried expression.

"I'm fine." She told them before continuing on with her work.

After they saw her actually looking decent and as if she wasn't in pain a second ago, they decided to drop their worries and continue on with their jobs.

───── ⋆⋅♡ ⋅⋆ ─────

"You sure this is the right thing to do?" One of the familiar males asked the other who nodded.

"He deserves it. Let's just hope this doesn't take any bad turns."

hi guys!! so i saw some people saying they wanted a soulmate book for jaemin so here it is! i hope you guys enjoy reading! and as usual, updates will be daily :)

lots of love,
t <3

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