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"Dude what the fuck?!" The girl exclaimed as Buddy pushed her down, making her wince a bit as she felt the ground against her body.

"Holy shit, I'm so sorry!" Jaemin said as he approached his dog and used his strength to pick him up.

"He's cute but please get him under control." She told him as she stood up, brushing down her pants in all sorts of places from the dirt she obtained.

"He wasn't like this earlier. I don't know why he suddenly decided to." Jaemin said as he shifted his gaze from his dog to the girl who Buddy basically trampled over.

"Now I know why." He said with a sharp inhale, not loud enough for the girl to hear him.

Suddenly, the girl looked up, honey eyes meeting his dark ones and they widened at his sight.

There in front of Jaemin was none other than his soulmate, Jiyeon.

"Oh shit." She muttered out at his breathtaking sight: black hair combed through, pink lips parted slightly from shock and dark eyes staring into hers with slight anticipation.

"Hi Jiyeon." He softly said out, lips curving into a tiny smile and hand held out for her to shake.

"Hi Jaemin." She replied, shaking his hand ever so quickly as a way to hide her awkwardness which did not work.

She cringed at herself for her sudden awkward demeanor and nerves biting at her but no one could blame her. I mean, who wouldn't be nervous around one of the most gorgeous men alive?

Her thoughts got cut off at the sudden jumping on her side, feeling small claws at her waist.

"I'm sorry for him." Jaemin said with a tiny laugh as he grabbed Buddy and ordered him to sit which he complied with thankfully.

"You're good. Okay I should get going now." Jiyeon hurriedly said and turned around, ready to speed off until a hand grabbed her wrist and a dog stepped in front of her.

"Can we talk?" Jaemin asked with a soft gaze.

"I'm not giving you free coffee if that's what you're wondering." She bluntly said out, making Jaemin give her a slightly confused look before laughing a bit.

"Not exactly where I was going with that but thanks for letting me know." He said with the most attractive smile Jiyeon had ever seen in her life.

His hand traveled from her wrist to the palm, holding it gently. The action made her stiffen slightly and she looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"It's about me, you, this dog and that tattoo." He said, pointing to the red imprint on her neck.

Jiyeon's eyes widened at his words, hastily taking her hand back and looking at her watch.

"Oh would you look at the time! My break is over so I have to go." She hurriedly said and Jaemin tried grabbing her hand again but she slightly shoved his hand away.


"It was nice talking to you Jaemin. I'll see you tomorrow morning for your coffee!" She cut him off and there he saw her figure begin to walk away.

Buddy sat up and was ready to charge towards her once again until Jaemin put his foot out, stopping the dog's actions.

"Let's not do that, Buddy. There's always tomorrow." Jaemin said, mood dropping quite clearly yet trying to stay positive for his dog.

The two watched as she speed-walked away until she was no longer in their sight.

Sad expressions overcome the two who stood there as passerby's gave glances to them, wondering what was going on.

"Let's go." He said, turning around and arms dropping down as he held the now heavy bags. Buddy followed him as well, tail down and sad eyes looking up at his down owner.

As they took their first steps away, a sudden gray filled the sky and rain droplets fell onto them. People scurried their ways to get to their vehicles or to walk back home. Others held out umbrellas but the two continued walking.

The sudden rain suited their gloomy moods and they walked in the rain until they arrived home, Jaemin's wet hair messy on his forehead and Buddy's fur absolutely soaked.

Jiyeon continued speeding off, constantly looking back until she realized she was no longer in their sight.

She slowly walked towards a bench that happened to be nearby and sat down with a loud sigh, frown very evident on her face.

Guilt coursed through her veins as she stared intently at her hands, thinking about how she left her soulmate and dog standing there all alone and recalled their downed expressions from her sudden need to leave.

Her hands traveled to the pocket of the jacket she wore, pulling out her phone and unlocking it hesitantly.

Her thumb grazed over the camera roll icon, nervous to press it before finally deciding to open it and revealing the contents inside.

There she saw the photos and painful memories washed over the entirety of her body, mentally and physically.

Her thumb moved upward slowly, scrolling the screen and revealing even more photos of all the same content.

A small tear fell from her eyes as memories flooded in her mind. She quickly rubbed the lone tear off, not wanting passerby's to see her cry and possibly try to interfere.

Droplets of water fell on her screen and she rubbed the screen on her face before gently placing her phone down and using both hands to wipe her now tear stained cheeks.

More droplets seemed to fall on her screen and she simply thought it was from her tears until she looked up into the sky, showing the dull gray color it now held and the rain that slowly fell from it.

Her wet hair clinged onto the sides of her face and clothes became soaked. Everyone around her ran around from the sudden rain but she sat still.

Her gaze then averted back down at her phone, knowing the sudden environment suited her feelings that she now felt.

"It's your fault." She muttered as she continued scrolling through her camera roll, showing photos of the person she loved.

Keyword: loved.

───── ⋆⋅♡ ⋅⋆ ─────
"Ooo I wonder what he did." One of the people in the room said, noticing the photos of Jiyeon with another male that she scrolled through.

It was evident from expression and actions as she scrolled through the photos that the man clearly had a huge affect one her.

One of the soulmate angels suddenly entered the room with a bowl of popcorn and sat next to the one who watched the two soulmates, wanting to join in on the sights.

"You guys just HAD to choose another girl with issues, huh?" One questioned and the two looked at them with a cheeky smile.

"Told you I needed tea." The male replied as he shoved a handful of popcorn in his mouth.

"Did you have to make it rain too?" Another asked and the male simply shrugged.

"Felt suiting."


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