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After a car ride that lasted an unspecified amount of time, everyone finally arrived at the beach.

Jeno went to his trunk to pull out the parasols for them to rest under while Mark grabbed the seats. Jaemin helped with drinks and Kyungmi and Jiyeon walked with Buddy and Sunhi to the spot where Jeno placed the parasols.

Buddy was ecstatic about being outside again. She ran around in circles, digging holes in the sand and kicking the sand as he ran. Jiyeon smiled at his state, finding him to be so adorable.

Sunhi did her best to chase the dog but eventually fell as her baby legs couldn't compare to that of a golden retrievers.

Buddy heard the fall and immediately went to Sunhi's side, helping her up and laying at her feet so she could pet him.

"Looks like those two get along pretty well." Kyungmi told Jiyeon as she watched her daughter play with the dog.

"Yeah." Jiyeon replied with a smile on her face when suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around her and a kiss was placed on her cheek.

"Hi Jaemin." She said, knowing it was her soulmate.

"Hey. Wanna go in the water?" He asked in a playful tone.

"But what about the other-s..." She looked over and saw all the boys already playing, minus Jeno who was still fixing some of their things.

"But I can't leave Kyungmi." She suddenly said and looked over to the girl who didn't catch on with her attempts to stay dry.

"I'm actually about to get in the water too! I just have to put sunscreen on Sunhi." She said as she sat down, calling her baby to go to her.

Jiyeon looked back at Jaemin with a slightly nervous smile while Jaemin just smirked.

All of a sudden, he bent down to her legs and picked her up, practically forcing half of her body on his shoulder.

"Jaemin your shirt!" She exclaimed, still trying to bargain with him.

"I dont mind my shirt getting wet." He replied, clearly finding her hilarious at that moment and time.

His feet finally reached the water and walked until the water reached his waist.

"You ready?" Jaemin asked the girl who flailed in his arms, not wanting to be thrown.

"Let's think rationally about thi-"

Jiyeon was cut off by Jaemin gently throwing her into the water, laughing hysterically at her when she emerged again.

Jiyeon pressed her lips into a thin line and began making her way over to Jaemin who was too busy laughing to realize her new location— right behind him with hands ready to latch onto his shoulders.

Jaemin's laughs were cut off by Jiyeon pulling him down into the water, forcing him to become wet like her.

It became Jiyeon's turn to laugh at him and Jaemin just playfully rolled his eyes before splashing water onto her.

Jiyeon wasn't one to let herself lose a fight so she did the same in return.

The two continued splashing water at each other, laughter filling the air and during some point of their water fight, the others had joined as well— minus Kyungmi who stayed at the shallow end with Sunhi and Buddy, enjoying the peace from the chaotic group.

They played in the water for hours, serotonin running through their veins and bright smiles not leaving even for a second.

After their water fight, Jaemin carried Jiyeon to the deeper end, wrapping her legs around his waist and holding her up. The two strayed away from the group, the sunlight hitting their faces wonderfully and emphasizing the features that both had fallen for, calling each other perfect in their eyes.

"Holy shit." Jaemin laughed out as they stared at each other with loving eyes.

"What happened?" She asked, confusion on her face.

"Nothing. You're just so beautiful." Jaemin said and a bright smile appeared on Jiyeon's face once again.

"I could say the same about you, pretty boy." She said with a teasing smile causing Jaemin to chuckle at her words.

Both of their gazes flickered down to each other's lips and the two leaned in. Jaemin used one of the hands that was settled on her waist and held her chin lightly, not wanting the sensation of her lips against his to leave.

"Hurry up and take the picture!" Haechan ushered Chenle in a whisper-yell, making him roll his eyes.

"Don't rush me!" Chenle said in return and snapped a photo of the couple using Jaemin's phone, leaving it as a surprise for the two of them to see.

"That's so cute." Kyungmi whispered as she looked at her two friends, happy for the two of them.

Jaemin and Jiyeon were practically in their own world as they separated from the kiss. Wide smiles lingered on their faces.

"I really fucking like you, Jaemin." Jiyeon said as she cupped his face.

"I really fucking like you too, Jiyeon." He replied and the two stayed together for a good few minutes before finally deciding to head back to shore where his friends now waited, drying themselves off.

"Hey Jaem, come with me to get a couple snacks." Jeno said and Jaemin nodded.

"I'll be back, okay? Text me what you want." Jaemin told Jiyeon who nodded.

Jaemin placed a quick kiss on her lips before getting into his best friends car, along with Jisung who wanted to come and pick out his own snacks.

The remainder of the boys chatted about video games, new consoles, and a whole bunch of other stuff that Jiyeon and Kyungmi we're not interested in.

"So," Kyungmi began, grabbing Jiyeon's attention from the view, "How's it going?"

"With Jaemin?" She asked, making sure that she was right on the topic she wanted to discuss. Kyungmi nodded her head as an answer.

"It's going so amazing. I feel so.. safe with him. He makes me feel special." Jiyeon said, heart flutter ring as she reminisced every moment she has with him up until that point.

"Does he know about the scar and- well what the other guy did?" Kyungmi asked and Jiyeon gave her the 'so-so' hand gesture.

"He knows about the scar but not about the other guy." Jiyeon replied and Kyungmi gave out an 'ahh'.

"You planning on telling him?" Kyungmi asked and Jiyeon shrugged in response.

"If he asks about my previous relationships then, yes. But as of right now, I don't need a reason to think about that douche."

Suddenly a familiar voice called out her name, the sounds making a heat rise within her body and her fists clenched with anger.


"Speak of the fucking devil."

───── ⋆⋅♡ ⋅⋆ ─────
"Oh shit I wonder who he is." One of the boys said.

"There's always gotta be some bitch ruining the vibe."

i dont proofread anything i write LMFAO so if you see any mistakes, now you know why.

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