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⚠️ TW: Abuse ⚠️

If any of you are living in an abusive house or know someone who is being abused, please please PLEASE talk to someone, call a hotline or anything. None of you deserve to go through that.

It was 9 pm when 16 year old Jiyeon was dropped off at her home after a date with a very shitty guy.

"Thanks for the ride." She told the male who just nodded.

"Maybe I'll see you again and we can continue where we left off?" He asked, cocky tone being evident and Jiyeon pressed her lips into a thin line.

"We'll see." Was all she said before exiting the car and rolling her eyes.

"What a douche." She muttered and pulled out her phone, blocking the boy's number.

It was then when she saw the time, sighing as she knew she would be in trouble with her father.

With dreaded steps, she walked to her front door, not sure if she should even enter. She wanted to run away but she knew she would be in even more trouble plus, she's only 16 without a dependable source other than her home. And with that, she tried to silently open the door.

It worked for the most part. She probably could have gotten up the stairs and into her room without getting caught if it weren't for her father already on the living room couch, waiting for her arrival.

"You're home late." His voice slurred as he spoke to her.

"We got stuck in traffic." She replied as she shut the door behind her.

Her father scoffed, not finding her excuse valid and stood up, taking large strides towards her.

"Who were you even with?" He asked, approaching her as she proceeded to back away.

"A friend." She lied, knowing it would be worse if he knew she had been on a date with a boy.

"Why were you out so late with this 'friend'?" He questioned, still taking his steps towards her until her back hit the door.

"We were working on a project. We didnt keep track of time." She replied.

"Project my ass," He said as he stood a mere foot away from her, alcohol already being evident in his breath. "Did you forget Im the one who keeps track of your assignments? I'm the one constantly checking your assignments. Besides, why the hell would you go work on a project wearing that?"

His hand gestured up and down, reminding her that she wore a black, spaghetti strapped dress— quite the questionable outfit for a project.

"So tell me, who were you with?" He asked and Jiyeon swallowed down the lump in her throat, preparing herself for the possible punishment she would receive.

"A boy. A date." She said and he scoffed, eyebrow raising and looking at his daughter who showed an evident fear in her eyes.

She was bracing herself to get yelled at, maybe a simple slap but she never expected that he would grab a chunk of her hair and pull her down to the ground.

"What the hell are you doing out with a boy?! You know the fucking rules Jiyeon!" He exclaimed as Jiyeon yelped, feeling the tingling pain on her scalp.

"I'm sorry! I thought that since I was 16 it would be okay!" She yelled back, instantly regretting it as he tugged on her hair again.

"You think 16 is good for a boy? Everyone's gonna think I have a slutty daughter now and who knows, maybe theyre right!" He exclaimed as he harshly pulled on her hair, bringing her back up.

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