First day of Cobra Kai training

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IMAGINE: you heard about cobra kai and decided it was time to learn about some kickass karate. After what you saw with Miguel you wanted to do the same thing just for fun. But little do you know you meet a certain someone who you take under your wing but one day he turns into the guy who you never knew you loved.

"MAAH!" You screamed running down the stairs calling your mom. "Breakfast is on the table sweet!" She screamed. "Hey ma who ya got up there?!" I screamed smirking. "Uuhhh-" "shes with me!" A guy shouted from upstairs. I roll my eyes and shake my head chuckling "Good morning Johnny!" I shouted. "Ha-ha good morning!" He said in a nervous laugh. "Oh boy" you said giggling.

You walk up to the table and see the plate of eggs and bacon on it waiting there for you. "Oo bacon!" You said happily taking a bite of it. You soon hear footsteps coming down the stairs. You turn and see your mom tightening her bath robe "Hey honey good morning." She said rushing to the pan acting like nothing happened. "Hey mom." You said laughing.

Soon you turn your head again and see Johnny making his way down shyly waving. "Heey Johnny." I said not making eye contact eating my bacon. "Heeey" he said is a low voice coming around the corner. "Uh babe I think imma go-" "wait no stay! Come on I cant eat all this bacon....well mostly." "Look baby I'm sorry" your mom said feeling guilty. "Nah no mom were good as long as your happy" I said chewing on bacon. "Thanks sweety." She said smiling. "Plus I guess I can handle Johnny's dumbass for a while." You said playfully throwing a small piece of bacon at him.

He smiled and made his way back to the counter laughing. "Soooo mom I was thinking..." "yeah?" "I was wondering if maybe I can go to 7 eleven after school?" "You mean the one by the gas station?" "Yeeeaah?" I said in a squeaky voice. "Nooo baby I'd rather have you picking flowers than hanging around with those boys." She said turning the stove off.

"Come on mom did ya see what that kid did to that kid who did that to to another kid who was bullying the other kid?" "No." "What's going on?" Johnny asked you. "She wants to attend that stilid karate dojo that just opened. Its called Dojo kai or sum." "Cobra kai mom. Cobra kai." You said getting irritated. "Oh yeah I've heard about that." Johnny said like he was hiding something. "Johnny ya good?" You asked.

"Yeah um I think it would be a good idea." Johnny said. Your eyes widened excited. "What?!" Your mom asked annoyed. "Look self defense. She can lean so she wont yet kidnapped or sum. She can use it to defend herself." "See mom what he said!" You said jumping up and down in your chair. "And she can go pick up your milk." You slap him. "Seriously?" You said.

Johnny started chuckling. "Okay fine I'll give it a shot alri?" "YAAAAY!!" You said getting up and dancing around. "This gonna be fuun!" "When does training even start?" Your mom asked. "After school." You and Johnny both said together. "How did you know?" Your mom asked. "Uhh...guess?" You and you mom both raised your eyebrows like "hm"


You head over to the dojo and see a bunch of people standing ther waiting to get in. "Am I seriously the only girl here? Oh nope." You said making eye with a girl who was in a gi. You look around for quite awhile until you make eye contact with a boy who looked very shy. You tilt your head and he shyly looks away. "What's his deal?" You asked yourself.

You walk over to the group and see a tall skinny dude. "Hey yalls!" You said standing in front of the two boys. The shy one looked away scrunching up and covering his mouth. You look at him confused. "Holy shit Eli a girls talking to us." The boy said nudging the other boy. "Yeah." You said awkwardly. "have ya never talked to a girl before?" You said looking at him weirdly kinda laughing. "No I've had my experiences ya know with-uh that really popular girl-when-" "right." "Yeah we dont talk to girls. Dont wanna risk getting embarrassed."

Cobra Kai Imagines//Hawk//Jacob BertrandWhere stories live. Discover now