Too shy to speak

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Imagine: You transferred to a new school caused by bullying. There was a scar on your eye from birth, everyone always made fun of you for it. But you never knew where the scar came from. When you asked your mother she never told you, only avoided it. You enter this new school trying to get through the day without talking to anyone of the sort. But you meet a boy who shares similar challenges. And when he sees who you are, he finds a way to try an connect to you. It let you know you weren't alone, for he had a similar scar. 

You walk out of third period and you put your hoodie over your head and rush to your fourth quickly, but it was your first day you didn't know exactly where to go at the top of your head. You get startled when someone runs into you. "Hey man watch it!" the kid said nudging you. "Sorry." you mumbled and continued to walk away keeping the hoodie over your head. 

"Hey Eli I was thinking maybe we can go as tacos for Halloween." "Tacos?" "Yeah why not." "How about something that doesn't show our face. You know so no one-recognizes us." Eli mumbled scratching his head. "Of course, always wanting to be invisible." "Well I don't even feel like going to the dance I mean what's the point? Were just gonna stand around anyway." "Well isn't that what we do all day?" Demetri said. "Why can't you just come over or I go over there and we can watch Bill Nye or something." Eli responded pulling down his sleeves. "Hey that doesn't sound like a bad idea, now shouldn't we be going to fourth period?" "Yeah." 

You keep walking fast but were stopped by a boy. "hey hey hey where you think you're going?" he asked tapping your shoulder. "Please just leave me alone, I have to get to my class-" "Yeah don't care, what you hiding under there? You a freak or sum?" he asked looking down at your face trying to get a good look at it. "Please." you softly said shaking in fear. 

"Hey Eli." Demetri said stopping Eli. He turns to Demetri. "Who's that kid over there?" Demetri asked. "I dunno. It's probably some boy just trying to get by-c-can we go." "No." he said grabbing Eli once again. 

You start to move forward but they back you up and snatch off your hoodie. You start to panic as they stare at the scar on your eye. "Holy shit! What the hell is that?!" the boy said laughing. "I-I-it's nothing just some stupid scar." "That shit is degusting!" the boys started shoving you around. "You are a freak." he said pushing you into the locker. 

"Demetri m-maybe we should do something." "Are you crazy?! Dude you already have a weggy session at lunch with Kyler what makes you think you can stop him now? It's better if we just stay outta it." Eli looks closer and sees them touching your face. "Demetri." "No. She'll be fine." Demetri said grabbing Eli's arm once again and dragging him away. 


After fourth period you were hesitant to go into the locker room. You were standing at the door seeing a bunch of girls go in and you stepped back. Eli noticed and told Demetri he would be right back. 

He slowly walked up to you scared, now knowing how you might react. "Um-" he said shuffling his feet with his hands playing with the ends of his shirt. "Uh hey." he said to you. You turn your head but look down. "Please go away." you said. "No no I ain't gonna hurt you. I was uh-just wonderin-why you won't go in." he said to you with his hands in his pocket. 

You shrug your shoulders and start to back up. "Um hey wait-" you stop in your steps and start to shake again getting nervous. He didn't know what to do. He knew you were frightened and saw your hands shaking. 

He stepped closer but you backed up. He slowly reached for your hand not knowing if it was the smart thing to do. He gripped his fist never being in contact with a girl before. "I'm uh-I'm not- gonna hurt you." he said gulping. Your teeth start shuddering like you were cold. 

Cobra Kai Imagines//Hawk//Jacob BertrandWhere stories live. Discover now