Why hello beibei (Valentines day) (smut)

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Warning-contains smut so don't read if you feel uncomfortable.

It was a long day from work at Trader Joe's and you couldnt wait to come home and see your babee Jacob. He always had crazy things planned for every holiday and you were curious to see what he got in mind today.

"I swear if I end up in a chicken coop again I'm literally gonna kill him." You said opening the door. You were hoping for some balloons or a tray of food something crazy but there was nothing. You chuckle. "He's probably still shooting." you said putting your bag down and heading up the stairs. But as you got closer to your room you smell lavender and coconut. "What in the name of-" you open the door and there are rose peddles on the bed and candles everywhere. "Shit please tell me I trimmed" you said with your mouth dropped. 

You take baby steps but still no Jacob. "What is this boy doin-" but you were interrupted by hearing splashing in the bathroom and the movement of water. "Oh boy." you said blushing finally realizing where he was. You walk in the bathroom and hes there sitting in the bathtub with his arms resting to the side and holding a rose in his mouth growling like a dork which made you giggle. 

"Jacob what-" "Why hello...beibei." he said pretending he was in a soap opera. "I knew there was sum sus." you said looking back on the rose peddles on the bed. "I know it's not big like always but it's valentines day and I wanna try something new!" you smile. "But also I saw this shampoo that smelled like watermelons." he said surprised holding up a bottle of shampoo. 

"You're too cute-so I'm guessing the candles mean-" "Das right get your pretty ass in here." he said winking. You scream in your head getting turned on. You somehow knew this was gonna happen so you go into your room and you pull out a bathing suit from your drawer you saved for SPECIAL occasions haha wink wink.

You put in on and walk into the bathroom and Jacob's mouth drops and you were wearing basically nothing. 

"Holy fuck." he chuckled. You blush and you put your foot in the water and it's nice and warm. "Oo yay it's warm!" you cheered. He bit his lip and turned hard but he contained his hormones from wanting to pounce on you. 

You get your full body in the water and lean back in his chest feeling your ass press on his dick and his hands around your body surrounding you in his embrace.

You get your full body in the water and lean back in his chest feeling your ass press on his dick and his hands around your body surrounding you in his embrace

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"Jacob you naked bebee?" you asked smirked and cheeks turning read. "Just a tad bit." you giggle and lean back in his chest. "How was work?" he asked. "Annoying. Stupid Mitchel was on my case all day again." "isn't he the one-" "Yes Jacob that's him." you interrupted.

"What bout you? How was shooting?" "It was okay I guess. I mean we just finished filming for the second episode of season four." "Annd?" "And I forgot how much I hate stretching." you both let out a laugh and it was quiet for a while with both of you loving and enjoying this moment. 

"I uh-I got something for you." Jacob said. You turn your head around and he leans over and grabs a small box. You grab it and lean back in his chest. You open the box and it's a ring with a heart on it. "Holy shit Jacob." you cooed. "It's beautiful!" "It's a promise ring." you weren't really familiar with what a promise ring was. "It means that I'll always look after you and cherish you and what we have for ever. That I will only look at you and only fuck you-" you start to laugh at that last sentence not wanting this moment to end. "It's a promise. Kinda like a vow or getting married but not really." "Wait we getting married?" his eyes widened. "Ehh I guess you can say." you smirk and put the ring on. "I will never take this off. Thank you Jacob." "Anything fer you princess." "EE I love it when you call me that." you giggled kissing his lips. It was sweet and heart felt. 

Cobra Kai Imagines//Hawk//Jacob BertrandWhere stories live. Discover now