𝟐𝟔-𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞

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Author's note: This chapter is long so my apologies 😅

The next morning you woke up early and made breakfast for the league before leaving for work, and you left an extra key behind so they could lock up before they left



You looked up and saw no other than No.2 Hero Hawks

"My knife?" you said in a monotone voice, not wanting to deal with his nonsense another day

"Did your parents not teach you manners" he mocked trailing his eyes along your labcoat

You ignored him and kept on organizing prescription files on the computer until Hero Mirko came in

"[y/n]!" She called out. You looked up and smiled as you saw the bunny hero make her way to you "Pro hero Mirko, nice to see you. How may I help you today?"

"You know the usual, the gummy vitamins shaped like carrots," she said. She then looked over at Hawks and noticed him start playing with pill bottles on your counter

"Hawks, what are you doing here?" She asked

Hawks was about to answer her until Mirko squealed and slap her hand behind his back "Don't tell me! Is this the guy you were daydreaming about the other day, [y/n]?"

You raised an eyebrow confuse about what guy she meant. You then came to the realization, "No no, GOD no"

"No need to be rude, and what guy?" Hawks asked curiously, looking slightly offended at your comment

You handed Mirko the gummy vitamins and she handed you back the money, "Nothing" you said trying to hold back your smile as your mind wander to Dabi thoughts

Mirko chuckled, "You know my offer is still on the table? If he doesn't ask you out then-"

"I'll do it " Hawks quickly interrupted "I'll ask her out"

Mirko and you shot a glance back at him

"Oop- my job here is done," Mirko said as she made her way out the door "Thanks [y/n] have a good rest of the day!"

You groaned and slammed your head on the counter, "Please just give me back my knife" you muttered

"I will give it to you," he said

"Good" you said raising your head back up and holding out your hand

"After our date" he smiled mischievously trying to hover over your computer

You groaned as you pushed his face back with your hand

"Meet me at Kyushu at around 5" He said walking back

"But the train ride is like 5 hours" you scowled

"So you better get moving, also wear something nice and not that labcoat," he said making his way out the door

This little..


After your work shift, you went back to your apartment to change into your clothes. You had to comply with Hawk's wishes if you wanted to get your knife back. But first, you walked over to the kitchens to grab a snack and noticed the league had washed your dishes from breakfast

For villains, they're pretty good guests

You then headed to your room and looked inside your closet. You noticed most of your clothes were either really professional or typical college-lounge clothes. Nothing that screamed "date"

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