𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫

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Hello everyone. Happy New Year! Thank you all for the love and support you've given me and my first book. I still re-read everyone's comments because they're too funny. You're all seriously the best and I appreciate you all.

It's been slightly a little more than a year since I started Fallin' so I wanted to give you all a little bonus chapter to celebrate.

I hope you like it, enjoy!


"Again." Dabi repeated that word for who knows how many times that day.

You were both in an old warehouse room where he was showing you how to make your quirk work together with his. Stain had been there earlier, but left to scout the neighborhood. It had only been two days since the video of you and Dabi had streamed all over Japan.

But the heroes were too busy with other matters in their hand. Specifically, the disappearance of Shigaraki and All for One.

Not having been use to having a quirk, you were practicing on how to control it. You were beginning to get frustrated by your lack of focus. It was apparent with the way you kept charging at Dabi and you ended up barely dodging and blocking his attacks.

"Damn it." You panted, blinking stinging sweat out of your eyes and struggling to control the adrenaline that rushed through your blood. You couldn't use too much of it, but couldn't lack it either. It was hard, to remain in the middle.

Not to mention it would cause you to get overstimulated and your senses over- heightened. 

It wasn't that you were physically tired with all the training that day. You had dealt with far worse with Stain before.

No. Instead, your lack of focus was entirely Dabi's fault.

Or so you thought.

He was just very...distracting. You couldn't take your eyes off of him. How his biceps bulged every time he lunged at you or how his skin glistened with sweat from his physical efforts.

Not to mention Dabi would use fire here and there, just to test the water with you. But that only added more heat to the air which clogged your mind even more.

There's no denying that the last thing Dabi wanted to do now was train. He rather engage in other forms of exercise with you. But after everything, him, Stain and you came to the agreement that now that you had a quirk, you needed to be able to wield it to the best of your ability.

"Let's take a break." He finally said. He seemed amuse by the sound of his tone and the smirk that crawled on his face.

He had noticed how unfocused you were in the training, and how you checked him out every 10 seconds.

Meanwhile you were far from entertained. You were matter of fact, the opposite. Angry and desperate.

You felt like you disappointed Stain and him since you were always at the top of your game and this had been the first time you weren't being yourself. This sort of thing had never happened to you. You had fought off multiple people without a quirk, so why was it now that you had one, you couldn't seem to focus?

You blamed it entirely on Dabi.

After all, he was wearing a form fitting sleeveless shirt and sweatpants. It was rare to catch him without his usual long coat and old clothes. You were privileged to see him without all those layers covering his body.

"No break. Let's try again." You protested and took your stance.

"How about we call it a day. You're not able to concentrate today." Dabi pointed out, reaching his hand out to pull you close. "It's your quirk, isn't it? Causing you to struggle and focus."

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