Jealous Pt. 2

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"What the fuck?!" Kendall exclaims as she gets her phone, getting ready to call Y/N.

"Oh my god Kenny, you need to go to Taylor and Y/N's Instagram stories." Kylie says as she looks at her phone with a pissed expression on her face. "Why?" Kendall asks. "Just go." Kylie says, causing Kendall to open her Instagram and go to Y/N's Instagram story.

"What the fuck?!" Kendall says again, the anger in her tone evident, as she looks at the mirror selfie of Y/N and Taylor on Y/N's Instagram story.

"What the fuck?!" Kendall says again, the anger in her tone evident, as she looks at the mirror selfie of Y/N and Taylor on Y/N's Instagram story

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(A/N: This is just the pose.)

"What the fuck is this?" she asks as she goes to Taylor's Instagram and sees the photo she posted on her story.

"Kendall relax, maybe Taylor asked her to come with her last minute?" Kylie suggests, trying to calm her older sister down.

"Kylie, she fucking told me she was at a photoshoot. If Taylor asked her, then why would she keep it a fucking secret?" Kendall asks, annoyed at Kylie's suggestion.

"Maybe because she knew you'd flip out if she was going with Taylor. Ken, you get way too fucking jealous when it comes to Y/N and Taylor." Kylie says. "Just phone her and ask her what's going on, but don't overreact." Kylie says.

"Fine." Kendall grumbles before calling Y/N.

"She's not answering her fucking phone!" Kendall complains after a few minutes of trying to call Y/N.

"She's probably already in line and can't hear her phone." Kylie says, coming to Y/N's defence. "Kylie's right. Let's just get you ready and let's go. You can talk to her when you get to the gala." Jen suggests.

"I can't talk to her when I get to the gala." Kendall groans. "Why not?" Mary asks. "Someone could overhear us and then I'm going to be in shit with my management. I can't go off like a jealous girlfriend when no one even knows that Y/N is mine." Kendall explains, frustrated with the situation.

"It's been two fucking years Kendall. Who the fuck cares if you tell everyone Y/N's yours?" Kylie says. "Kylie's right, you coming out isn't going to be a bad thing. She's out and she's a Victoria's Secret Angel, clearly it doesn't really affect your career." Jen says, agreeing with Kylie.

"Can we please not have this conversation right now. My girlfriend could be cheating on me and I can't do anything about it right now. Can we please just go?" Kendall asks with a tired sigh as she tries to keep her tears from falling and ruining her makeup.

"Fine. Let's go get your shoes on and do some final touches." Jen says, ushering Kendall to where her shoes are.


In the museum, both Taylor and Y/N are seated at their table with drinks in their hands as they're talking with Hailey.

"Kendall told me you weren't coming." Hailey says. "I wasn't but Taylor needed a date, so I flew out on Saturday. I only got here yesterday." Y/N explains.

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