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Y/N is leaning against the island in the middle of her sister’s kitchen, snacking on a packet of mini Oreos.

“How are you enjoying LA?” Nicole, Y/N’s sister asks while she cuts up a cucumber. “It’s just how I remember it. It’s always sunny and there’s a lot of tourists and health junkies.” Y/N answers with a shrug.

“Do you miss Siena?” Nicole asks. “I think I’ll always miss Siena, it’s beautiful, and the food and architecture are amazing.” Y/N explains.

“Oh yes, I remember.” Nicole says, remembering when she visited Y/N and they explored the small city.

“But I also missed LA and the always sunny skies and celebs in the street.” Y/N says. “It also helps that we live in Calabasas. I’m sure you see celebs every time you go for your run.” Nicole adds.

“Look who’s talking, you literally sit in PTA meetings with Kim and Kourtney Kardashian.” Y/N says, causing Nicole to narrow her eyes at her before going back to cutting the other ingredients for the salad.

“Shit, that reminds me, you need to take Brooklyn to North and Penelope’s birthday party.” Nicole says a few seconds later.

“North West and Penelope Disick?” Y/N asks, making sure she heard correctly. “Yes, Brooklyn got invited and he asked me to ask if you could take him.” Nicole says, looking up to face Y/N.

“Why’d he ask you to ask me?” Y/N asks confused. “You know he’s shy and looks up to you so that just makes him nervous.” Nicole explains.

“Ok, but why does he want me with him? What do I have to offer? I’ll probably either sit to the side or try to fit in with the mothers.” Y/N asks, confused as to why her nephew would want her to take him instead of his parents.

“He has a crush on North and…” Nicole starts explaining. “Wait, he has a crush on North West? The daughter of Kimye?” Y/N asks. “Yes, he has a really big crush on her.” Nicole answers.

“Look, I love Brooklyn and he’s a good-looking kid but isn’t she out of his league and isn't he kinda young to be 'dating'.... Is it dating?” Y/N asks carefully.

“Yeah, well he inherited it from you. You would always chase the girls out of your league and he is very young so its not really official dating, more like he has a crush on her and they can go on playdates or ice-cream dates. Innocent stuff.” Nicole says.

“Ok, fair point. How does his crush with North relate to me other than that?”  Y/N asks. “He asked Leo for advice and Leo told him to ask you because you were the sibling that was always better with girls.” Nicole explains. “I’m still better than him with girls.” Y/N jokes with a smirk.

“Yeah well, after that Brooklyn decided that he wanted you to go with him so you can help him impress North.” Nicole explains, after rolling her eyes at Y/N’s joke.

“So he wants me to be his wingman?” Y/N asks. “Yes, he wants you to be his wingman.” Nicole says as she puts all the ingredients in the salad bowl.

“Ok, I’ll go with him.” Y/N says with a smile. “He’s going to be so excited. Thank you.” Nicole says, pulling Y/N into a hug.

The Day of the Party

“Alright dude, you ready?” Y/N asks as she looks over at Brooklyn who’s sitting in the backseat of her car with a small bouquet of flowers and a small giftbag.

“Yes, I’m ready.” Brooklyn says with nervous smile as he clutches the flowers a little tighter. “Ok then, let’s go.” Y/N says before getting out of the car and going to open the backdoor to let Brooklyn out.

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