How Do You Feel About Getting Married

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A/N: Hope you enjoy it!

“Ok Y/N. What’s up?” Kylie asks as she sits next to Y/N in Kendall’s living room. “I need your help.” Y/N says shyly. “With what?” Kylie asks confused. “I wanna propose to Kendall…” Y/N starts. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.” Kylie squeals, interrupting Y/N. “Can I finish please?” Y/N pleads. “Yeah, sorry. I’m just really so excited.” Kylie apologises.

“Wait, have you like asked my parents for their blessing? They’ll kill you if you don’t.” Kylie asks seriously, looking up at Y/N. “Yeah, I sat down with both of your parents and I asked for their blessing. I just need help with the proposal. I was thinking of serenading her. It’s pretty cliché considering I’m a singer and people expect that, but…” Y/N rambles nervously. “Breathe Y/N.” Kylie says with a slight laugh, as she tries to calm Y/N down and stop her rambling.

“Sorry.” Y/N apologises sheepishly. “Let’s starts from the beginning. You asked my parents?” Kylie asks and Y/N nods her head. “I don’t think you serenading her is too cliché. She loves it when you sing to her. It makes it special. Fuck what everybody else says.” Kylie says. “Are you sure?” Y/N asks unsure. “Yeah. Do you have any specific song you wanna serenade her with?” Kylie asks. “I’m working on something. It’s a surprise.” Y/N replies. “Ok. This is so cute, where’s the ring?” Kylie asks excitedly.

“You do have a ring, right?” she asks, noticing Y/N looking down at her hands sheepishly. “Not exactly. I don’t want paparazzi to see me walk into a jeweller and that’s the other thing I really need help with. I don’t know what type of ring to get her or which cut or how big it needs to be or…” Y/N rambles. “Calm down. I can help you with that. We can also call Khloé, Kim and Kourt. They’ll be able to help.” Kylie says, trying to reassure the nervous girl.

“When can we do that? I really wanna propose soon. It’s like I can’t wait.” Y/N says. “Kenny’s out of town this whole week so, I’ll ask everyone if they’re free to have lunch and we can discuss it?” Kylie suggests. “Ok, but it can’t be in public. I don’t want her to catch on to anything.” Y/N says. “Ok, we can have lunch at my place.” Kylie offers. “Thank you so much Kyles.” Y/N says sincerely as she hugs Kylie.


At Kylie’s house, Kim, Kourtney, Khloé, Kylie and Y/N are seated around the small table in her kitchen. “Ok, so what is so important that we all need to be here and why is it a secret.” Kourtney asks as she shakes her salad. “I need your advice on something…” Y/N says as she looks at the sisters nervously. “Yeah sure, on what?” Kim asks concerned. “And why are you so nervous. It’s just us.” Khloé says, also concerned at Y/N’s nervous behaviour. “You can do this Y/N.” Kylie says trying to reassure her. “IwanttoproposetoKendall.” Y/N mumbles. “What?” Khloé asks confused. Y/N takes a deep breath before saying, “I want to propose to Kendall. But it needs to be a secret.”

“Oh my gosh!” Kim, Khloé and Kourtney squeal. “When do you want to do it?” Kourtney asks. “How are you proposing. Is it going to be something extravagant?” Kim asks immediately after Kourtney’s question. “Forget about that, I wanna see the ring honey.” Khloé says. “Guys! Relax.” Kylie exclaims when she sees an overwhelmed Y/N, who sends her a thankful look. “That’s why you guys are here. I need help with all of that… Especially the ring.” Y/N explains after she takes a sip of her water.

“You don’t have a ring?” Khloé asks, shocked. “No. I don’t know what type of ring to get or which one she’d like or how big of a diamond she wants, does she even want a diamond? What style does she want or which cut…” Y/N rambles. “Breathe Y/N. It’s ok. I know how difficult looking for a ring is. Kanye says he looked for months.” Kim says trying to calm the younger girl down. “Really?” Y/N asked shocked. “Yeah, and then he still got it custom-made. He’s a perfectionist and I know you are too.” Kim replies. “Yeah, I just want it to be everything she wants it to be.” Y/N says softly, with a small smile on her face. “Awww, this is so sweet, I’m going to cry.” Khloé jokes.

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